"So you and Dimitri still haven't set a date yet," I ask her remembering her earlier comment.

Skylar shakes her head. "No. He wants a big to do and I want a small affair. Hence the stalemate we are in since neither one of us will budge."

I ponder for a moment trying to come up with a solution when an idea hits me. "What if you did a two day affair. Have the small wedding one day only inviting close friends and family. You could even have the event at your house, once you find one. Knowing you two you'll end up selecting something with a ton of land. Then the second day could be a large reception for everyone else."

Skylar's eyes alight with joy and she starts to bounce in her seat. "Aubree you're a genius. Dimitri and I have been in talks with a relator about what we are searching for. He has a few idea, but with the tour we have to wait. Once we get back finding a house is at the top of the list."

"Or if you want to you could have both days celebrations take place on the property. Then you would get the exact date you want. Neither one of you are about being fancy. You could have the rustic wedding you mentioned wanting. I have no problem helping yo plan. Especially with Vanessa living so far away." At the mention of Vanessa's name Tray stiffens in his seat. Seems I struck a nerve.

"I'll talk to Dimitri about this later, but as long as he agrees I'm so on board." She exclaims with a huge smile.   

"Great. Then you can pick a date" Tray slid into our conversation, "and select me as your maid of honor."

Skylar hits him on the head with a pillow and then runs to hide next to me. "If you keep pushing me I wont even invite you to the wedding. Plus you'll end up standing up on Dimitri's side. I'll have Vanessa, Harper and Aubree."

"Ha the school teacher can't count," Tray teases. "That's only three people. Dimitri will end up having all of us stand up so you need an extra girl. Unless you let me stand up on your side and make him find an extra guy."

"Nope. I have a funny feeling one of you three are going to fall for someone and I'll have my fourth bridesmaid then." Skylar states sitting next to me. I glace at my computer making sure I had nothing visible to Skylar I wasn't ready for her to see yet. Luckily nothing was visible.

Three of them. Last I checked four of them were single not three. She can't be thinking Ryder and I will be getting back together. Can she? 

Tray crosses his arms in a huff and sits there pouting. "But I wanna stand up on your side," he whines. "This isn't fair."

"This is my wedding and I can do whatever I want."

"Easy bridezilla. Bring it in," I tell her closing my computer figuring I'll get some work done later.

We lapse into an awkward silence. I could tell both of them were chomping at the bit to ask me about Ryder, but neither one wanted to make the first move. So instead I did. Crossing my arms in front of me and resting them on the table I say. "I'm as okay as I'm going to be. Have I practically cried myself to sleep every night since this happened," I pause and sigh. "Yes. But I will get through this and come out the other side stronger."

Skylar rests her hand on mine. "Hang in there. Everything will work itself out. And I have faith the two of you will work out your differences. Don't shut him out from your heart."

I spring from the table and almost fall over because the bus his a large bump. "Why are you fucking defending him? He. Kissed. Another. Girl."

"Aubree sit down," Skylar demanded in a calm voice. The bus hits another bump causing me to lose my balance slightly. I sit down only because I didn't want to end up falling. "He's hurting as much as you are."

"Sure didn't seem like he was yesterday with all those women around him," I mutter under my breath.

"You of all people are able to read him the best. Did he once appear as though he was enjoying himself," she asks me. 

Thinking over the evening and pushing my jealously aside I focus on his body language. Sure he had women hanging on him, but that just it they were hanging on him not the other way around. He also was never with the same women very long instead he had a new one with him every time I saw him. His smiles we fake and forced never once meeting his eyes. Maybe something more is happening here. But can I really take the chance? No. Hurt me once shame on you. Hurt me twice shame on me. We are at the shame on me stage. I don't want to give him a third chance to hurt me because then I will be stupid. 

Not answering her I change the conversation to Tray and ask him the question I've been dying to ask since the start of the tour. "So Tray what happened with you and Vanessa?" Picking up in my need to change the conversation neither one call me out.

Tray stands from the couch and opens the fridge. "I'm going to need a beer if we are going to talk  about her." He grabs a can, opens it and drains the content. After the can is empty he throws the garbage away and grabs two more cans. Only then does he return to his seat.

"Wow Tray if I foresaw this kind of reaction from you I never would of ask," I tell him feeling bad for opening a can of worms.

"No worries," Tray reassures me. "I thought things were progressing well. But I had a nagging feeling she was holding something back. And I was right she was still talking to Keith. I can't be too mad though because the discussion of exclusivity never came up. Plus I didn't want to truly start something with me leaving so soon." His eyes get a faraway look in them. Skylar rises from her seat and rejoins Tray on the couch. He lays sideways with his head resting in her lap while she plays with his hair.

"I'm sorry Tray," Skylar coos. 

Tray shrugs his shoulders. "Just how my luck goes. Hence another reason I never try for something more with women. I was only starting to like her, I hadn't fallen completely down the well yet and was still able to climb my way out," he says with a slight sadness to his tone. I think he's more upset then he is letting on.

"If it makes you feel any better I don't think they are going to be together long term. Whenever we talk she sounds exhausted and she's making some really rash decisions. One of them being she's selling her horse. Lucky Dimitri has stepped in and bought her. We are going to move her when we move Renegade." Skylar explains.

"There is something major off about that man," I input shaking my head. "I never really met him, but from what I can gather he isn't a nice man and she can do way better for herself." I make a note to run a background check on him. Maybe I'll be able to learn something more. 

"At the end of the day she choose him over me," Tray states.

"But what if she felt like she didn't have a choice and she had to choose him? Just like Ryder." Skylar states then realizing her mistake tries to cover herself. "Or maybe she didn't believe you were in this for real. You do have quite the reputation as being a ladies man and she experienced that side of Tray the first night she met you. With Keith she knew where she stood with you there was only uncertainty. And like you said you were leaving to go on tour."

"What do you mean just like Ryder," I ask recirculating back to her previous statement.

"Nothing," she stammers seeking a lie to get herself out of this situation. "Just meaning Ryder feeling like he needs to turn to drugs again to deal with the pain." Her face relaxes slightly.

"Maybe Skylar. Maybe." Tray states. "But I'll never know. We were over before we even got started."

Only about 15 or so chapters left till this book comes to an end. My goal after I finish this one is too finish Dimitri's POV (though I may work on a chapter over the weekend) and then start Ryder's POV. Sadly I won't start the third book in the series till I'm almost done with Ryder's POV. Well I should say I wont post any chapter I may write some, but I don't want to post anything till my main focus is that book because I don't want to leave you hanging for long periods of time while I focus on Ryder's POV.           



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