I looked at Suzy uncertainly. She smiled and pulled me off the bed, giving me a gentle push towards the sink. Taylor pulled up a chair and gestured for me to take a seat. "Now, lean your head back and relax." She squirted a glob of shampoo on my head, and began to scrub, adding some warm water. She was very rough in scrubbing my head, making sure every spec of my hair was covered in soap and bubbles. I tried not to let my face give away my discomfort, to no such luck.

          "Yo, Taylor, can you try to be a little gentler, maybe? Your nails are practically digging into her scalp," Damien said.

           "Shut up, doofus," Taylor replied. She turned her attention back to me and said in a low voice, "So you're Amber. It's nice to finally meet you. I just wish it was under better circumstances. You do have really nice hair, though."

          I looked at her. "I'm sorry, I don't think I understand."

          She smiled. "I guess you don't know, then. Damien talks about you all the time at home. It's a little annoying, but also very sweet. Suzy and I are his cousins."

          I was so surprised to hear her say that about Damien that I didn't know what to say but, "I didn't know that he had relatives in our school."

          "It's not really much of a secret but it's also not exactly gossip-material or all that important, either. I could really care less either way. I just hate those girls that go gaga over him. It just makes me want to pull my hair out, and I don't exactly cling to his shoulder."

          I laughed a little. "So, you said that . . . he talks about me?"

          "Oh, yeah. He's always mentioning your name. 'Amber this, Amber that' He really likes you, you know. Ever since he saw you at some Christmas party last year, you're all he talks about," Taylor said. "Do you remember?"

          Of course I remembered. How could I forget? The Christmas Party Mother and Father had last year at our house.


          It was a perfect party, like one out of those Christmas movies. White bits of snow clung to everything they touched as they fell from the sky, like little angels. A chill entered the room each time the door opened, and a layer of mist covered each window. I wore a green velvet dress that fell just shy of my knees, exposing my calves, and silver inch heels that clicked and clacked against the marble floor. My curly, dark hair covered my shoulders, and a simple white rose pin kept my long bangs out of my eyes. I traced hearts and stars into the window with my fingers, praying I wouldn't fall asleep.

          "Would you like a glass of champagne, miss?"

            I turned around, startled. A boy who looked about my age, donning w waiter's outfit, held out a silver tray of sparkling champagne. He had bright green eyes and black-and-white hair. I smiled and shook my head at him. "Oh, no thank you. I don't drink champagne."

             He smiled. "I figured as much but I thought I'd give it a try anyway."  

            I looked at him closely. "Wait, you look really familiar . . ." Then it hit me. "You're the kid who punched Mr. Gabritch in the face during science class last week."

            He laughed, revealing a set of perfect white teeth. "Hey, he had it coming. It was either me or some really big guy at a bar. Let's hope he learns to keep his mouth shut from now on."

            I laughed too. "I'm Amber, by the way."

            "Damien," he held out his hand and I shook it. "Pretty nice party your parents put together."

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