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Despite being American I grew up in a Korean culture household, due to the fact my grandparents were Korean, even though both my parents are American.

My mother was an orphan adopted in America by my grandparents, then when my mother was 6 they moved back to Korea to teach her more about the culture and show them their home. My mother was passed off as Korean-American and she even had a Korean name. Soomi Park. She was a beautiful lady and she was even more beautiful the older she got. Once she turned at least 20 she visited America for a business trip and she met my father who was working as a music producer in the states. They immediately fell in love and they later got married in Korea and then I was born. My mother took my father's last name, so it was obvious I was not Korean, but yet I was still given a Korean name.

When I was in elementary school, I was made fun of because of my nationality and people thought it was weird for me to have Korean grandparents and American parents. My parents also had my younger brother around this time, so it was nice to come home everyday and be able to play with him, but I also came home crying everyday. My grandparents tried to help me fit in, but nothing seemed to work. I would always be an outcast. That's when my parents decided to move to the states they thought I could fit in because I was American. Yet when I got there people made fun of me for my Korean name, and when I asked for an English name my parents refused because they wanted me to stay close to where I'm from.

After entering Middle School, I couldn't take the teasing anymore, so when I moved to the new school I started to go by Quill. I never understood why I enjoyed this name, but I did. Around that time I got into k-pop after trying to get away from all the Korean. BTS was the first band I listened to when their 'Boy with Luv' song came out. I loved Suga's rap in the song and I was constantly playing their songs on repeat, especially when he rapped. I learned all their dances old to new and I started watching other groups, learning more dances and all the raps. It was my new dream to become an Idol, so I started back up learning the Korean language once again and because I grew up speaking it the language seemed easy.

After a couple years of self-training, an audition at Pledis Entertainment came up and I took the first flight to Korea and moved back to my grandparents. Pledis was looking for a new boy group and it made it more perfect that my grandparents were close to the Pledis building, so it was the most perfect situation.

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