Vol 8 - A Deadly Battlefield -

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The first citizens have begun to reach the central platform in front of the portal that leads to Vacuo. Penny, [Team] and Team RWBY slowly move onward.

"I thought there'd be more people by now." Weiss said

"Our job is getting Penny and the Staff to Vacuo. Until then, we have to trust the others. I'm sure they can handle it." Ruby shrugged

Y/n and Kirin looks at the empty depth covered in shadow below them, it scared them, somehow

A cloaked figure steps into view, smirking ominously. Moments later, a huge explosion sends several citizens rocketing off their platform and into the void. May stares at them from a distant platform, horrified, as the crowd panics and scrambles behind her. Team RWBY and [Team] already almost reaching the Vacuo portal, hears the commotion, and Ruby heads back to deal with the disturbance.

"Keep going, we'll handle this." Blake said to her

Penny is left clutching the Staff anxiously. Cinder Fall propels herself into the air with her flames and spots Team RWBY and [Team] making their way up to a large platform. She quickly jets off in that direction. Ruby uses her Semblance to cover the distance quicker, only to recoil, grunting, at the wall of flames that suddenly appears to block her path. Team RWBY raises their weapons, ready to fight.

"Nee-san, finish her off." Y/n doesn't want to handle her again

"Ez." Nezu said, grinning




While Team RWBY and Nezu fights Cinder, Y/n saw something, a shadow of someone hovering into him

"Oh, dear... Ambrosius." Oz surprised

A look of shock dawns on Oscar's face. It was Salem. What is she doing here.

The dust clears to a strange human figure with red glowing eyes to which Y/n looks at and sees her skin color, deeply horrifying him. Oscar then becomes incredibly perplexed to why Salem could recover so fast

She stand infront of Y/n, shrinks at his level then touched his chin with her index finger, then raise it to face her

"Y/n L/n... What a satisfaction, you're here..." She grinned

Kirin and Shin feared her but still had a determined one in them

Before adding on to his confusion, the goddess almost instantaneously dashes towards the siblngs, swinging her fist to crush their skull. Y/n quickly unleashes the Flame Breathing, Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun, which cuts the Immortal arm in half and causes her to hover backwards, away from the Slayers.

Salem immediately reassembles her arm and compliments Y/n's Nichirin Blade while licking the blood off her own arm, whom the latter then asks her why she was targeting a girl.

The Goddess says that she just thought Kirin and Shin would get in the way between herself and Y/n, to which the latter responds by asking if they had something to talk about and saying that he despises her despite it being their first time meeting in person.

As she smiles, the Immortal says that she hates weaklings too and that they disgust her. Y/n responds that the two appear to have practically complete opposite moral values, and Salem then asks if Y/n would like to become a monster himself, again.

He immediately declines, but the Goddess doesn't back off, saying that she knows his strength just by looking at him and that he's getting close to "supreme territory".

The Immortal person then goes on to explain that, despite him being so close to it, Y/n will never reach supreme territory because he'll just grow old and die before it can happen. Salem says that if he becomes immortal, Y/n can keep training for hundreds of years to become even stronger than he is right now.

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