Vol 7 - A Dream Come True -

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They noticed her, but still continue.

"S-sorry, If i... Interrupted!" Nezu was about to open the door again

"What are you doing here?" Y/n calls for her

Nezu looks back, and looked at them, he was sitting on the bed, while Kirin still on the floor, gasping for air.

"I should be asking you that, Why are you raping her?!" Nezu yells, pinching his ear

"I'm not, I'm training her. Train her breathing y'know?" Y/n flinched in pain

"Eh? But that's not how it works!" She points to the unconscious Kirin

"She wanted it, I feel so bad and I gave the only thing she wants." Y/n shrugged

"Urgh... Well, yeah, she does have a crush on you. But it still a bad move, go apologize when she's awake!" Nezu shouts

"Alright, alright." He waves his hands up

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Y/n carrying Chibi Kirin off the floor

Her eyes open, only to see Y/n next to her. Laying next to her, on a bed...

"Y/n... Y/N?!" Kirin surprised

"You already awake yet? Sorry, I... Kissed you last time, Nezu Nee-san said its bad." Y/n apologized, burying his face on her tummy

She looked at him, he really does can change. Looking Y/n like this, is kinda... Lovely for her

"Its not bad, I love it Y/n..." Kirin hugged him

"Along with the oxytocin and dopamine that make I feel affection and euphoria, kissing releases serotonin - another feel-good chemical. It also lowers cortisol levels so I feel more relaxed, making for a good time all around." Kirin explained, Y/n groaned

"Nerd..." He got out of the bed

"Um, Wha-" She was cutted off

"All I'm saying is, let's do it often, secretly. I like it too." Y/n said, which surprised her

"if it makes both of us feel good!" Kirin hugged him

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Nezu listening to their conversation through the door, then blushed

As Y/n trains on the training-chamber along side Nezu, he feels his hands burning, but there's no sign of fire anywhere, just the feeling

He drops on his knees, Nezu ran up to him.


"My semblance..." He mutters

"Its evolving." He finished






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