Vol 4 - Team RNJR -

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It's been several months since the Fall of Beacon, and the world of Remnant is still recovering. Tensions are high, lives have been lost, and the members of Team RWBY are divided. Each of our hero's now faces a journey of their own.

While some must search inward if they ever hope to move on, others will venture out into the world in search of answers. Alongside the remaining members of Team JNPR, Ruby Rose has begun the long trek to the kingdom of Mistral, but the road ahead is full of surprises. New friends, old friends and enemies await, while the threat of an even larger catastrophe draws near.

In the forests of Anima, Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren argue about the name of their new team. Nora argues that it should be called Team JNRR (pronounced "Junior") since it consists of three members of Team JNPR, but Ren thinks that it should be called Team RNJR (pronounced "Ranger") as they are assisting Ruby. However, Jaune Arc calls them to action as an enormous Grimm, made of boulders, bursts out of the foliage chasing Ruby Rose.

The Grimm, known as a Geist, is capable of "possessing" inanimate objects, such as stones, and integrating pieces of the landscape into its body. Its stone body is impenetrable to attacks from Ren's StormFlower blades, and while Nora is able to remove one of its limbs with her hammer Magnhild, it simply replaces its lost limb with a nearby tree. Ruby attempts using Lightning and then Fire Dust ammunition against it, but these attacks prove to be equally ineffective.

Jaune, taking on a more strategic role in this fight, formulates a plan to take down the enemy by destroying all of its limbs at once, exposing its only vulnerability - its face. The group finishes the Geist with a coordinated team attack involving Ruby's Semblance and Nora's upgraded Magnhild, shattering its limbs. The Geist leaves its stone body, and once exposed, Ruby finishes it with a single shot from her weapon, Crescent Rose.

The Mayor of the nearby village thanks Team RNJR for destroying the Geist, which had been attacking their village for weeks. Ruby offers to escort them to the safety of the walls of the Kingdom of Mistral, but the official declines, stating that the villagers are accustomed to their way of life and the journey would be too long for them to survive. At a blacksmith's, Team RNJR accepts their payment in the form of a new set of armor and an upgraded Crocea Mors for Jaune, using metal that had once belonged to Pyrrha Nikos. Continuing their journey to Haven Academy, the team leaves for the next village in high spirits.

Ruby, Jaune, Nora, and Ren come upon Shion hoping to use its airship only to discover that the town has been destroyed. The only survivor is a dying Huntsman who shares that the town was attacked by bandits and the ensuing panic brought in the Grimm. He dies soon after letting RNJR know what destroyed the town, and when Ren and Nora start to leave, they discover a hoofprint on the ground that they recognize.

On Ruby's house, Taiyang Xiao Long returns home with several packages, including a new, state-of-the-art Atlesian arm for Yang that James Ironwood had ordered be made for her himself. Remembering Y/n and Fubuki, Yang is not particularly enthusiastic about it, saying that she would try it on another time and goes about her chores in the house. While cleaning a glass, it slips out of her hand, breaking on the floor. The shattering glass triggers a flashback of Adam, and Yang staggers back. It takes her a moment or two to regain control. Her concerned father watches wordlessly.

Team RNJR is on the road, approaching the village of Higanbana, which is well-protected and has an inn they can stay at. They comment on how they have not encountered many Grimm on their trip, deciding they have a lot of luck. Unbeknownst to them, Qrow Branwen is watching from a cliff-face above, having killed several Grimm that were stalking the team. He turns to notice a raven staring at him. After a moment, it flies off after Team RNJR. Qrow scoffs, "Luck".

Back at the tavern in Higanbana, the waitress is cleaning up the building when she is confronted by Tyrian Callows, who asks for help finding someone, presumably Ruby Rose...

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