Vol 7 - Impatient -

792 20 14

Manta airships patrol the skies around the City of Atlas, keeping in communication with each other over radio. As Maria pilots the group's stolen Manta toward the city, they receive radio contact.

Y/n and the others aboard Manta 5-1 look around at the large military air fleet surrounding the kingdom's capital.

After seeing the city surrounded by a military fleet and receiving radio contact encouraging them to land and meet with a security team, the group decides to be cautious and fly to Mantle instead, while Weiss attempts to call Winter.

There, they find that Mantle is being patrolled by Atlesian Knight-200s and has broadcasts from James Ironwood and Winter playing on repeat.

Unsettled, the group decides to hide the Manta in Mantle and see an acquaintance of Maria's.

After landing the stolen Manta in Mantle, Maria cautiously exits an alley by slowly shuffling along with her cane.

When she sees the coast is clear, she picks up her cane and walks normally, and everyone else exits the alley with her.

In the distance, a small group of Atlas soldiers run down a street in the direction that Maria and the others came from.

The group begins walking through Mantle together. Trucks drive past, and Atlesian Knight-200s stand on various sidewalks. A small child places a poster of a white-haired woman on a street lamp. There is a hologram board displaying news articles.

Come on now, hurry! It shouldn't be much of a walk.

"Is this many soldiers normal?" Kirin ask

"No. At least, I didn't think so." Weiss answered

At the back of the group, Shin notices a whirring sound and stops to take a look.

There is a small drone hovering to his right. The camera part of the drone lifts up, focused on him.

As he leans in to take a closer look, the drone takes a photograph of his face with a bright flash, which he recoils from.


In response, Shin sends a thunder kick to the drone, knocking it out of the air and causing it to tumble into the street, where it is struck by a car.

Shin turns to see everyone else in the group staring at him. Be awkwardly shifts his posture with a sheepish smile.

"Y/n did it!" Shin points to him

"...As the patient one I am, yes, it is me." Y/n certainly lied and walks away

Everyone resumes walking.

They look up at the City of Atlas, while the earlier broadcast from Winter plays once again nearby. A pair of trucks drive by with miners, covered in black material, sitting in the beds.

Posters depicting a white-haired woman are plastered across one of the buildings that the trucks pass, with the text "PROTECT MANTLE" printed on them.

"This whole city, it just seems awful." Blake started

A drunken voice calls out from nearby.

"You don't like it here? There's plenty of space out in the tundra." The man says

"...Sorry, I didn't mean to-" Blake sighs

The drunk man's equally drunk buddy speaks up.

"We try and help the other Kingdoms, and this is what happens? I say let 'em rot!"

"I apologize. I didn't mean to insult you." Blake once again apologized

The drunk man spits on the ground, glaring at Blake.

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