Vol 8 - Negative Feelings -

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The other looks dumbfounded.


"Y-you'll never cease to amaze me, huh, Y/n?" Ruby facinated

Anyway, do you guys wonder where Shin and Kirin go? Well, Kirin is taking Shin to take a dump, cuz he asked for it. So the sister waited for him to be done!

[What a weird excuse. Might be author's favorite character...]

"You done yet, brother?!" Kirin shouts through the toilet

"I CAN WIN, I FEEL GREAT, I CAN DO THIS!" Shin ignores his sister and kept yelling

"Should've go with Y/n first..." Kirin regrets her desicion

Back to Y/n and friends, the others was in relief, RWB and Penny thanked him. Weiss included cuz she's still scared of his Real L/n mode...

Suddenly, Nora is seen in the doorway, clutching her hammer and breathing heavily, crackling with pink electricity.

"Nora!" The team shocked to see her like that

"That was pretty awesome." Nora complimented

Her aura shimmers and breaks. She faints, her upper body covered with electrical scars.

"What happened?! What did she do to her self?!" Blake shouts

"She was trying to absorbs the electric door!" Penny saw it

"To open the gate, but the Ace-Ops opened it themself..." She explained

"Dammit!" Y/n cursed

"She's in bad shape. We need to get her somewhere safe." Blake suggested

All of them go to the hangar, where May has already stolen a ship. May rams the ship through the sealed hangar door;

In the backseat, Ruby tries to comfort Penny with a smile, but the Winter Maiden is inconsolable.

"It is time for me to go, isn't it?" Penny asked

Ruby pulls Penny into a hug.

"We'll see each other again really soon, I promise." She reassure

Behind Ruby's back, Penny catches Weiss, Y/n and Blake's gazes, and they look at her reassuringly. May presses a button on the console, retracting the windshield. Penny climbs onto her seat, and with one last salute, flies off, headed for Amity Colosseum.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Ruby asking Chibi Y/n have he eaten yet

Weiss knocks on the front doors of the Schnee manor, and soon after, the double doors are opened by Whitley Schnee, who looks upon Weiss and her friends in surprise. Ruby is standing with her, Blake and Y/n is holding the still unconscious Nora, and May is keeping watch behind them.

"Oh, you've picked a fine time to-"

Weiss interrupts by pointing Myrtenaster at him, and he looks at the blade in fright.

"Not. Another. Word. We're coming in." She warned him

Whitley steps aside and groans as Ruby's group walks into the manor.

"Things are already bad enough after what you did to father, now you want us to harbor fugitives too? Our family has a reputation." He looks in disgust

"...This way." Weiss sighs

Weiss walks away, and May lifts Nora and follows her. While Weiss, Blake and May exit the room, Y/n walks over to Ruby, who is staring outside through the front doors.

"I hope everyone's doing alright." She mutters

"If you're worried about Yang, you could always call her." Y/n suggested

"Already, but she didn't answer..."

Ruby turns and shows Y/n her Scroll which is actively calling Yang's Scroll.

Penny successfully pushes the tower up just long enough for it to broadcast a video of Ruby to the entirety of Remnant. Friends, family and strangers in all four kingdoms and Menagerie watch the video on televisions and Scrolls as Ruby tells them that Atlas is in danger and tells them about Salem.

She mentions the Maidens and the Relics, assuring everyone that, regardless of whether Salem can be killed, she can be stopped if they work together. Ruby adds that Theodore and Glynda Goodwitch can verify what she is talking about, but that Ironwood can no longer be trusted.

Inside Monstra, Salem smiles, and her eyes glow.

"It's time." She said

Monstra flies over to the City of Atlas and crash lands on one of its farms. The whale opens its mouth, and Grimm Liquid comes flooding out. A variety of Grimm spawn, including Manticores, Teryxes, Megoliaths, Boarbatusks, Apathy, Ursai, Beowolves and winged Beringels.

A knock at the door draws everyone's attention, and they draw their weapons, creeping to the door. Weiss opens it cautiously, her eyes widening when she sees who it is.

"Klein!" Weiss gasps

Klein Sieben stands in the doorway, doctor's bag in hand. He tips his bowler hat.

"Miss Schnee! I heard there was a patient here who needed my help." He said

"I, I am so sorry, Klein. It's my fault that Father..." Weiss hold her arm

Klein's eyes turn green as he holds his hat to his chest.

"Please don't worry, it had nothing to do with you." Klein reassure her

"May I please see the patient? I understand it's urgent." He asked

"Oh, yes, right here!" Weiss direct him to the room

Y/n gasps when he and the others hear an explosion from outside.

Y/n opens the door to find a smoking crater in the manor walkway. He, Weiss, Ruby and Blake run out to see Penny, crackling with electricity and covered with neon green coolant lying in at the bottom of the crater. Penny catches sight of her friends and weakly reaches out to them.

"I'm... I'm sorry." Penny collapses.

"Did she just came back for just like... 10 minutes?" Y/n ruined the sad scene

- Tiny Timeskip -

Y/n is opening the door for Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Whitley, who are carrying an unconscious Penny.

"Can you help her?" Ruby asked him

Klein scans Penny with his scroll, which locates an injury at her waist. His eyes are red as he assesses the damage.

"I can at least stitch up that wound." He said

A thundery crash sounds from outside. Everyone present glances in that direction. The power suddenly goes out.

"Oh, that's just rich." Whitley groaned

"SON OF A FUC-" Y/n cursed, but a black screen cuts him off


Fun Facts:

• The author likes to cut Y/n's curse words off

• Y/n hasn't eaten since Vol 5

• Shin's training to not dump while fighting failed badly...

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