22. Grand Finale

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They all had a group hug and Winston signaled for me to join. I happily did and I felt like part of the family.

"I'll go get him!" I excitedly said and we let go of each other. They all started murmuring as Winston led them to the living room. I jumped up the stairs and reached his room. I knocked and went in. The room was pitch black and Rafe was under the covers.

"Rafe?" I called and pulled the cover. He was dead asleep. I smiled at how peaceful he looked. I sat next to him and kissed his hand. His eyes fluttered open and sat up. "Hey, I need you to come downstairs for a minute." I said.

"Huh, why?" He groggily asked.

"Um, Winston fell and hurt his back!" I blurted without thinking.

"What!" He yelled and scrambled up. He ran down the stairs with me secretly snickering behind him. He ran to the living room and then paused. I came from behind him and it was such a scene to witness. Rafe was face to face with his family. Winston, Nora, Mason, and his mom were all there.

"M-mom!" I heard his voice break. His mother put her hands over her mouth and teared up.

"I'm so sorry Kent!" She suddenly cried. He ran at her and she greeted him with open arms. She hugged her son tightly as they both cried.

"I missed you so much!" He sobbed. She let go and looked him in the eyes.

"I'm so sorry Kent. I love you, I'm so sorry for everything!" She repeated and took him back in his arms. They hugged tightly again and let go after a few seconds. He then faced Nora. He opened his arms with a small smile and Nora ran into his arms.

"I missed you." She mumbled in his chest.

"You're finally here." He whispered in relief.

"I'm here." She whispered. They let go with tears in their eyes.

"Happy birthday." Mason scoffed.

"Idiot." Rafe retorted. Mason smacked Rafe's arm and rolled his eyes. "Thanks." He softly said. Mason had a smirk and then jumped on Rafe. "Let go you idiot!" Rafe yelled.

"This is the only time I'm ever hugging you!" Mason yelled as he had Rafe in a bear hug.

"Fine, I'm good!" Rafe yelled. Mason then let go and him and Rafe erupted with laughter. He then turned to Winston who had a sweet smile.

"Thank you, for everything Winston. You really mean a lot to me." He said and briefly hugged him and patted his back. It was so heartwarming, it's the happiest I've seen him.

"Alice!" He screamed jokingly and turned to me. He ran at me and lifted me up. "This is the happiest day of my life!" He said with a smile before his eyes started letting tears fall out. He started crying uncontrollably and quickly hugged me. He cried in the nape of my shoulder as I stroked his hair and smiled at this unforgettable moment. "I love you so much." He whispered then let go.

"Maybe you should now make a wish." I reminded him and pointed at the cake on the table. He looked at it and his eyes widened.

"Honey cake!" He yelled and looked at Nora.

"Yup!" She said giddily. We all walked to the cake and awkwardly, but eventually, sang him happy birthday.

"Happy birthday to you!" We finished singing and he blew the candles out. We all clapped and he hugged each of us one by one.

Five years later:

It was a tiring day after having Mrs. Raphael, Mason, and Nora over. They finally left and Winston and I were cleaning the dining table.

"Go lie down Alice are you crazy!" He yelled.

"Come on Rafe, I'm pregnant, not helpless." I said.

"Alice!" He yelled again and dragged me by the hand like a kid. I tsked as he forced me down and put his hand on my belly.

"How dare you make our little girl tired!" He teased.

"Who said it's a girl!" I scoffed.

"Well, soon we'll find out." He said and hugged me. Rafe was finally done with his therapy sessions. Mine took less than a year to get done, Rafe had to visit a psychiatrist at first then got the okay to start therapy. The psychiatry period only went on for a few months, but therapy took him two years. Rafe and I were our happiest. Our wedding was last year, and it was magical. He kissed my head as always and rubbed my belly.

"Don't forget, Mason and Nora's wedding is next month, we need to get you a tailored dress for our little baby to be comfy in." He said and eyed my baby bump. I laughed and pushed his head away from my stomach.

"Come on, you love me!" He laughed and kissed my cheek.

"Maybe." I said, acting nonchalant.

"Yeah right!" He scoffed and hugged me tightly with both his arms and legs.

I was happy. I had the best husband in the world. He may have been an idiot when I first met him, but he became a better man for me, and I love him for it. I knew my mom, dad, and sister, would be happy for me. Everything was finally Right. Everything finally fell into place.

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