16. Princess

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"Rafe! I really can walk!" I hissed in his ear as everyone around us watched as he carried me through the halls.

"I know." He said, expressionless. I was so embarrassed from the stared I simply buried my face in his chest. It was fun and comfy yes, but very embarrassing. We were finally out of the hospital and Rafe's car was parked outside. He helped me into the passenger seat them got in. He revved the engine and we flew home.

"Alice, I'm glad you're fine." He said with his eyes fixated on the road.

"Thank you." I shyly replied.

"L-love you." He muttered. He didn't look at me and I saw him slightly turn red. I couldn't hold back a giggle and reached over to kiss his cheek. "Rat." He whispered. I laughed again and he tsked. "Why are you laughing!" He asked all flustered. I didn't answer and just held his hand. I turned him into a softie didn't I? We finally arrived home and Rafe opened my car door. I stretched after feeling cramped in the car and hospital. I suddenly felt Rafe place a hand on my back and another behind my knees.

"Rafe?" I looked in confusion. He then scooped me up again. "Idiot." I hummed with a smile.

"Rat." He said right back. "I can feel how hot your face is from my shirt Alice, calm down!" He laughed and flicked my head. I just groaned and held him tighter. He opened the mansion door and Winston was in the living room.

"Welcome Master. welcome M-miss!" He gawked at Rafe carrying me like that.

"Hey— Winston." I greeted awkwardly as Rafe still carried me. Rafe laughed and continued to take me upstairs. He opened my door and laid me down gently on the bed.

"Today you'll get treated like my little princess., okay?" He babied me with a scrunched face. Did he actually call me princess? I blurted out a loud laugh and he flicked my head. "Need help getting changed?" He asked.

"Absolutely not. I can do that myself." I raised my eyebrows.

"Was worth a try." He muttered and got up to leave.

"Rafe!" I quickly called and he tuned around. I jumped off the bed and ran into his arms. I couldn't bear the idea that if I had died, I wouldn't have seen him again. He wrapped his arm around my waist and with his free hand he stroked my hair. He placed a small kiss on my head and I felt him smile against my skin. I finally let go and he had a sweet smile on his face. He chuckled and left the room, leaving me with an idiotic grin while alone in my room. I hummed happily as I got changed into a matching set pajama. I wore a black satin set of shorts and a spaghetti strap top. I lied down again in bed and hugged my pillow tightly. A few minutes later, Rafe knocked and came in. I raised my arms up like a kid ready to be cradled.

"Someone's feeling babyish." He smirked and lied down on top of me.

"He-avy." I whimpered out of breath. He laughed and moved to the side. I instead got on top of him and he hugged me as I rubbed up against him like a cat. He laughed and rubbed circles on my back. I then got a devilish idea. What couple doesn't prank each other. He was right, I am feeling babyish.

"Hey I need to go to the bathroom." I said and got up. He rolled his eyes annoyedly and I walked to the bathroom. I got out a makeup palette and used the red shade to make a mark on my neck. I laughed evilly as I stared at myself in the mirror. I put my hair to the side and put the palette away. I walked over to Rafe in my room and lied back down.

"Really?" He asked with raised eyebrows.

"What?" I asked, a little nervous.

"You think you magically get a hickey in the bathroom?" He asked and laughed.

"What hickey." I asked, acting clueless.

"You and I both know you wouldn't do anything like that. You're too pure." He whispered in my ear. My face heated up and my only attempt at hiding it was hugging him tightly. It failed, but at least I know he trusts me that much. "Nice try princess." He whispered and without warning, kissed the fake bruise. I yelped and pushed him away.

"Yeah right, hickey my ass." He scoffed.

I sheepishly smiled and my face was burning up like hell from that small kiss.

He held me tight and stroked my head. "Go to sleep." He said and gently kissed my head. I nuzzled my face in his chest and finally drifted off to a warm sleep.

I woke up when I heard sobs. My eyes bolted open.

"Rafe?" I looked around me. He had his face in his hands and was crying by me. "H-hey what's wrong?" I asked and put my hand on his back.

"I miss them so much!" He cried.

"Hey, it'll be okay I promise." I assured him. He then let out a scream. "Rafe calm down!" I yelled and hugged him.

"I used to hurt myself to numb these thoughts, it drove them away for a while. I became this antisocial aggressive psychopath to try and forget everything for a while. Alice I ruined myself." He whimpered.

"But you've become so much better Rafe." I said and hushed him. "It'll all be okay." I reassured and he started calming down as I hugged him tight. "Hey let's go downstairs, I'll make you something to eat. He nodded and I took his hand. I held his hand and led him like a kid to the kitchen. He sat down and I went over to the fridge. I opened it and found some leftover pizza. I microwaved it and gave the plate to him. He sighed and took it. He started eating with puffy eyes and he looked precious. I tip toed over to him and kissed his cheek. His mouth formed a small smile and he continued eating. "We should get ready for school, I'll go get ready." I said and he nodded. I walked upstairs and chose to wear a black short sleeved crop top, jeans, and sneakers. I got changed and decided to even put on some makeup. Nothing wrong with a little self care. I sprayed some perfume and walked downstairs. Rafe was dressed in a white shirt, jeans, and sneakers. Damn it he was beautiful. He turned around and did a double take.

"No." He said and turned back around.

"What?" I asked and looked down at my clothes.

"Change." He demanded and looked back at me.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I protested and glared at him.

"Alice go change, it's too revealing." He pointed at the shirt.

"I can't find anything else right now." I whined like a kid. I of course could wear anything else, but I didn't want to. He sighed and took me by my hand to his room. He opened his closet and got out an army green hoodie. He shoved it into my arms and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Change." He ordered and left the room. I rolled my eyes, but I guess there was nothing wrong with wearing a comfy hoodie of his. Just as I changed out of my top and into the hoodie, my phone rang.

"Hello? Aunt Lauren?" I answered.

"Hi baby, sorry to call you now, but we need to see you tonight. It's important." She said.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"I'll tell you tonight honey. See you at 9." She quickly said. "Hey honey I'm busy, I'll hang up now." She blurted out in a hurry.

"O-okay by-" she hung up.

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