14. I Hate You

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After a while of me and Rafe lying there, I went to my room to get my homework. I did my own homework and I forced him to copy it so he doesn't fail his classes. When I was done, I went over to my room to go to sleep. A few minutes later, Rafe walked in and without hesitation got in my bed. He pulled me close and put his head on my chest. I giggled and stroked his hair.

"Someone's being awfully cute." I teased with an idiotic smile.

"Shut it rat." He murmured with a peaceful smile. We fell asleep like that and woke up in each other's arms. The next day we went to school early together and sat down in the empty classroom. "Hey Alice." Rafe said.

"Yeah?" I looked up at him.

"I-I love you, rat." He randomly said. I had the biggest smile at my face and he scoffed at my reaction.

"Drop the rat part and I would say it back." I teased him with a grin.

"Rat, take it or leave it." He said with raised eyebrows. I laughed and he let out a chuckle as well. I just noticed how much Rafe has changed. He took my hand and rubbed it with his thumb. I was so happy at this moment it was crazy. Rafe actually expressed himself, he never laid his hands on me again, and he stopped hurting himself. He still needs lots of therapy though, I should bring it up soon. Right as we were enjoying the moment, Mason walked in. He looked at our hands and smirked.

"Someone's gone soft." Mason mocked. Rafe's face twisted in anger.

"Watch your back, I still didn't do anything about yesterday." Rafe threatened him.

"Oh, well all I did was tell our dear classmates about your tragic little life. Imagine what else could get known. Does she know Rafe?" Mason asked with a dark expression. I looked at Rafe and he turned pale.

"Rafe?" I asked.

"Shut up." Rafe growled at him.

"I take that as a no, kent." Mason smirked.

"Mason!" Rafe roared and slammed his fists against the desk. Mason tsked in fake disappointment and went over to his desk as the bell rang. Classes started and by the second period the principal walked in.

"Good morning everybody." He walked in and stood next to the teacher.

"Unfortunately, I saw yesterday's little stunt and I need to know who did that, now!" He got straight to the point. I looked at Rafe. He slightly shook his head and I sighed. He didn't want to rat Mason out. I sighed and noticed Mason sitting in his seat with a smirk.

"Nobody!" The principal yelled. "Kent, I will get to the bottom of this. I'm very sorry for what happened son." The principal said before walking out and Rafe gave him an awkward smile. It was time for lunch and we sat alone in class together as always.

"What did Mason mean?" I asked mid bite.

"Nothing." Rafe sternly said. I didn't buy it but didn't bring it up again. We ate lunch, finished classes, and walked home. Winston made us Lunch and it was amazing as always. It was seafood pasta and it was the best thing I ever tasted. As I ate, I noticed Rafe shoot me occasionally glances. Something was definitely going on. When we were done we went upstairs and changed. I knocked on his door and went in.

"Hey Rafe." I said and walked in.

"Mhm." He hummed and didn't look at me.

"Can I ask you about something?" I asked and sat down next to him.

"Is it about earlier?" He finally looked at me. I nodded. "I can't Alice." He said with a sigh.

"I told you to trust me Rafe." I told him and took his hand.

"W-what if you hate me?" He gulped.

"Rafe, I would never. I'm here for you, so tell me what happened." I pleaded.

"Before I do, just know that I deeply regret it Alice. I swear." He sincerely said. I nodded with a smile. I squeezed his hand in anticipation.

"Stacy." He blurted. I looked at him, wide eyed. My sister?

"W-what about her?" I asked getting more and more worried.

"She died by, you know." He murmured.

"Rafe?" I asked in panic and slowly let go of his hand. "How do you know this?" I panicked even more.

"It was me Alice. She needed me and I wasn't there for her." He finally confessed.

"Rafe, I need you to be clear. How. did you. know my sister!" I yelled in anger.

"I was her boyfriend!" He yelped.

Everything stopped, and I felt my heart shatter. I felt my chest grow heavy and my breathing became uneven.

He shamefully  got up. "I didn't take care of her enough when your parents died because of what I was going through!" He painfully admitted.

What the hell. What the actual hell!

It felt as if freezing water was poured all over me. I saw red. "I have the blood of two people on my hands! Stacy is one of them Alice!" He yelled and started crying with his hands over his face. He wiped his tears and reached his hand to touch my face. I slapped it away and looked at him with pure disgust.

"Don't touch me you monster." I warned with scorn. "I hate you, you liar!" I screamed and ran out of his room.

"Alice!" He yelled after me. I ran out the Mansion and like a maniac through the streets. I reached my house and sprinted in. I slammed the door and sat on my couch gasping for air. Rafe was too dumbfounded to follow. I sobbed and sobbed for what seemed like hours. My shirt was wet from tears and I could barely breathe from all the crying. I had an aching headache and felt lifeless.

They were all gone. My mom, dad, sister, and now Rafe. I fell in love with the person my sister loved. He wasn't there for her as he should've been. I knew he wasn't to blame for what happened, but the revelation was like a stab to the heart. I couldn't be with him knowing that he was with my sister. I had nothing. I had no one. I made up my mind. I should go to.

I got up with my tear stained face and walked into the kitchen. I took a deep breath and opened the kitchen drawer and took out a familiar knife. It was identical to the one my sister used. I picked it up and slowly closed the drawer again. I shakily moved it closer to my hand and exhaled. I heard glass breaking from the living room, but I was too numb to react. I then simply cut myself.

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