3. It Struck

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  "Don't worry she just needs some rest. She also looks dehydrated. Just get her some food and water." The woman instructed.

  I opened my eyes and found myself in the nurse's office.

  "You're awake!"  Tyler exclaimed. He was here with me all this time? "Maybe you should just go home?" He asked.

  "N-no. I'm fine. School is almost over anyway." I said.

  "Okay, but you can still leave anytime. I'll get you an excuse slip." The doctor said. I smiled and thanked her, Tyler then escorted me back to class.

  "You should take better care of yourself." He said.

  "Don't worry. I will." I replied.

  "Promise?" He cutely asked with a childish expression.

  "Promise." I laughed. We went back to class and he explained that I'm fine. I went back to my seat and Rafe looked infuriated.

  "I know it was you." I whispered without looking at him.

  "Oh, so you're clever. I picked a good one." He sarcastically said and rolled his eyes.

  "Excuse me?" I asked through raised eyebrows.

  "Ahem. Alice and Kent you both have detention with me after school today." The teacher scolded. He actually gave me detention after passing out? Wow. I groaned and looked down. Rafe had the biggest frown and his eyes were wide. I couldn't help but notice him flinch when he was called Kent.

  I groaned. As tired as I was, I still had to put up with detention. Even worse, it was with him. As class ended, everyone went to gather their books. I moved very slowly from how tired I was. Rafe was still seated beside me and Tyler was packing his bag. It was only the three of us left. Tyler always took his time because Monica would come meet him here.

  "Hey." Rafe said and got up. He slowly walked towards Tyler.

  "Oh, hey!" Tyler replied cheerfully.

  Tyler then let out a grunt as Rafe's fist collided with his jaw. Tyler staggered back from the impact.

  "I don't like people playing with my toys!" Rafe yelled.

  "W-What toys you bastard!" Tyler yelled and threw a punch at him. Rafe avoided it like it was nothing. Rafe kicked Tyler's leg and he toppled over. Rafe let out the most maniacal laugh. He threw his head back and his shoulders shook as he let out a most high pitched terrifying laugh. Was that even normal! I was still frozen in my spot until he staggeringly walked out of class. I snapped out of it and ran towards Tyler.

  "A-are you okay!" I frantically looked at his bruised face. Before he had the chance to answer, Monica ran in.

  "Oh my god! Get away from him!" She screamed. I got up and slowly moved away. I sighed, took my bag, and left for the detention room. Rafe was already there, and when I walked in, he gave me an annoying smirk. I decided to sit right beside him, just for the sake of my pride.

  "You won't win." I stated with conviction.

  "We'll see about that, rat." He muttered with a smirk. I was just about to say something, but the teacher walked in.

  "Okay guys. I just need you to correct these papers and I'll leave the answer key here. I have something to do, so when I'm back they should be done." She ordered and left in a hurry. Great. Alone with him. He got his pile of papers and placed them on top of mine on my desk. I glared at him and put his half of the pile on the floor by his desk. If someone should be here, it's him. I can't even remember the last time I got into detention. It was all his fault.

  He then rolled up his sleeve and got out something shiny. It caught my eyes and I couldn't help but look.

A pocket knife.

  My eyes widened and I stared at him, anticipating his every motion with my breath held. He didn't even mind me, he just started drawing with the knife on his skin. His grip tightened then he created a cut. Blood started pouring from his arm. His many scars got wet with the blood and I wondered how many times he did that. I wasn't dealing with this anymore.

  "What the hell are you doing!" I yelled and got up.

  "What? So worried about me Alice?" He asked sarcastically with a smile that gradually turned back into a frown.

  "Yeah right." I said and quickly lunged at him. I was able to snatch the knife from him but cut my hand in the process, but my adrenaline was too high for me to notice. He glared at me. I ran outside and hid the knife under my shirt so no camera would catch it. I ended up throwing it in a bin in the girl's bathroom and made sure it wasn't visible anymore. I went back to the detention room to see Rafe fuming.

  "You really shouldn't have done that." He threateningly growled.

  "I can. Can't I?" I mocked him. I felt a sting and looked back at my cut hand and hissed. He chuckled.

  "I actually thought you were clever you know." He whined in fake disappointed.

  "Excuse you?" I scowled.

  "Well, It's pretty stupid to assume that I only have ONE knife." He slowly whispered to me. I quickly stumbled back. The actual hell!  "Scared now, aren't you?" He mocked while looking at the other blade he took out. I gulped and took a deep breath from the corner of the room. I slowly walked back to my seat and corrected the papers. He didn't notice me at all, he was busy cutting himself. I flinched each time he made a cut. He ran the blade on his arm again and again. I couldn't take it. I got up and walked out.

  "Oh my, what is that from?" The nurse asked me after I walked into her office and showed her my cut. She was another nurse than the one from earlier.

  "I cut my hand at the edge of a table." I told her. She pursed her lips and crossed her arms. "C-can I have some bandages and disinfectant. I don't have any at home and there are no pharmacies nearby." I requested. She sighed and looked up at me. "I'll pay you back." I said.

  "It's fine. Just take care please." She said and walked off to get some. She bandaged my hand and gave me the extra bandages and disinfectants.

  I walked back to class, and when I came back,Rafe's arm was even bloodier. I took a deep breath and walked towards him. He didn't bother looking at me. I stood next to him and then sat on my knees. I reluctantly moved my hand close to the blade.As my fingertips almost made contact with it, he stopped moving it and finally looked down at me. He didn't say anything and I slowly grabbed the blade, avoiding touching him at all costs. Crouching, I slowly placed the knife on the floor and under my foot. I looked up at him, then at his arm.

  "Yes?" He asked with a frown. I didn't answer and quickly grabbed his wrist. "I said not to touch me you rat!" He hissed and moved his face a closer to mine. Yet I always kept a safe distance.

  "I heard." I coldly replied.

I got out the bandages and disinfectant. His expression completely changed and he froze. His eyes widened and his lips slightly parted as he watched me pour some of the clear liquid on his arm. He didn't flinch one bit as it touched his cuts. He kept the same focused stare on me. When I was going to start bandaging his arm, he audibly gulped and slumped down in his chair. He looked away but still never tried to pull his arm away.

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