2. Why Would You

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I rushed outside and slammed the door behind me. I ran to the nearest bathroom and let out a sob. Frantically wiping the tears, I opened the tap and put my arms under it. I washed the cut and walked over to get a tissue. I let it soak some of the escaping blood and got another tissue to wipe away any tears. A girl from my class walked in and looked over at me. She gasped.

"Alice! You're bleeding!" She yelled in shock. It was Rosalie.

"Hey! It's okay I just scratched myself." I assured her.

"Well do you need anything? You sure?" She asked and came over to have a closer look. I shook my head and thanked her. She gave me a small smile and adjusted her makeup. She sprayed some perfume and left with a smile. Rosalie was actually pretty sweet, we used to be friends but we got distant later. If only I had the energy to do anything about it. I had neither the energy nor courage. I sighed and gave myself a quick look in the mirror. The bell had rung while I was in the bathroom, but surprisingly, I didn't mind being a bit late after what just happened. It was the last thing on my mind. I knocked then walked into class.

The teacher looked over at me with a frown.

"You're tardy Alice." She pointed out.

"I saw her bleeding in the bathroom. She hurt her arm." Rosalie said. The teacher's expression then became concerned. I took a glance at rafe and he looked at me expectantly.

"Are you alright dear?" She worriedly asked. I looked down and sighed.

"Yes, I accidentally scratched myself at the cafeteria table." I lied.

"I hope you feel okay. You may go to your seat now." She said and gestured to my seat. I walked back with everyone looking at me, except Rafe. He wasn't just looking— he was glaring.

"What the hell was that." He whispered with imminent rage in his voice. I looked back at my desk with scorn, not bothering to look at him. I felt his hand on my arm and snapped my head his way.

"When I talk, people listen." He hissed through a clenched jaw.

"What do you want." I surrendered in disdain. He let go of my arm.

"Why the fuck did you do that?" He asked with clear anger.

"C-can't you just say thank you and drop it?" I uttered. He glared at me and tsked. Not once did he avert his gaze. He was back at staring. The bell rang and it was finally time to go home. I collected my stuff and walked back to my vacant house. I walked in and changed into my pajamas. This was my parents' house. The rest of my family all agreed to pitch in to help pay for my living expenses, and I'm grateful that they did. This way, I didn't need a job and could focus on my studies to try and one day manage the company my father left behind before he died. I plopped onto my bed and got my book out of my bag. It had me hooked. My stomach growled and I had to go downstairs and make myself some instant noodles. I sighed and took the plate over to the couch. I opened the TV and ate as I watched a random movie I found of an alien invasion.


A crash suddenly echoed throughout the house. I jolted up and looked around me. It came from upstairs. I contemplated it, but decided to go and check. I grabbed a knife from the kitchen and slowly went up the stairs. I walked through the dark hall and I finally reached my room. I jumped in front of the door with the knife in hand.

There was nothing.

I clenched my chest at how hard my heart was beating. I caught my breath and looked around. I was shocked to see my window broken and a big rock lying there with the shards of shattered glass. I saw something red on the rock and walked over to inspect it. I carefully picked it up from between all the glass and saw that there was something written on it with a red marker.

It's begun

My heart almost stopped at seeing that written on it. I ran over to the window and didn't see anyone. Terrified, I went around the house and opened all the lights. I took a blanket and pillow and slept on the couch that day. I woke up the next day, quickly got dressed, and left for school. Surprisingly the day went well. Monica didn't even come bother me at all, and Rafe wasn't being weird either. After lunch, I went back to my desk and saw a note.

Meet me after school in room 103. I need to talk to you in private.

Mrs. Sarah.

I shrugged and put the note in my bag. Rafe was right beside me but didn't glance at me even once, which I was thankful for. When the last class was over, I walked over to room 103 and knocked before heading in. It was at an empty part of school, we barely ever see anyone here. It was a completely empty classroom with no desks or chairs. I furrowed my eyebrows as I walked in. Something slammed behind me and I turned to see the door closed and heard a lock tick. I ran over to the door and banged on it.

"Hey what are you doing!" I yelled. I continued banging at the door and screaming.

"Let me out of here!" I screamed. After screaming my lungs out for what seemed like hours my throat hurt and my energy was all drained. Any signs of footsteps were long gone by now. It was nighttime and they closed the lights at school. I only had the light from the moon and flashlight on my phone. I wish I could've called someone, but there was no service. This was pathetic. I lied down and let all my tears out at the situation I was in. After maybe a few more hours of crying, I fell asleep on the hard floor while clutching my bag. I opened my eyes and heard people walking outside. I scrambled up off the floor. I was freezing and my throat was dry and sore from thirst. My stomach also growled as I got up. I jiggled the door knob and it opened.

I saw the hall flooded with people and I stared at them in bewilderment. Who the heck unlocked it? More importantly, who did this?

I walked back in to get my bag and walked right back out. As I walked through the crowd everything got more and more blurry by the second. I tried to pull myself together and finally made it to class. As I approached my desk, my vision became distorted again. My legs gave out.

I collapsed.

I heard many gasps and many people call "Oh my god!".

"I-I'll take her to the nurse!" I heard Tyler say. I was able to open my eyes slightly and coincidentally saw Rafe giving the both of us death stares. I closed my eyes again and felt Tyler pick me up.

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