
"Where are we going?" Chan asked, following Jeongin who seemed to be excitedly pulling him towards a specific place.

"It's a surprise," Jeongin explained and showed a small smile. Chan wasn't sure whether he should anticipate what the younger had planned or be terrified.

"You actually planned a date?" Chan asked since they would usually impulsively decide what to do last minute whenever they did go anywhere.

"I- um...no. That would be weird."

"It's okay if you did. It's cute." Chan mocked with a smile.

"Shut up."

Once they got to what seemed to be their destination which was in the middle of a field filled with flowers, Jeongin let go of Chan's hand and pulled a blanket out of his backpack.

"You planned a picnic?" Chan questioned, sitting down on the blanket and looking at the water bottle Jeongin placed in between them.

"Ummm....no? Maybe we should just go home." Jeongin sighed and tried to stand up but Chan pulled his arm, pulling the younger into his lap, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"Why? I think it's nice. All of our dates have been really unorganized and last minute." He explained, resting his chin on the younger's shoulder.

"It's not weird or too cliche?"

"No and who said cliche dates were bad in the first place?" Chan questioned and picked up one of the flowers beside him and placed it in Jeongin's hair, "I think it's cute."

"I feel like you're secretly cringing and you don't want to be here."

"I'm fine going anywhere if it's with you." Chan laughed.

"Nevermind, nothing I do or say can be considered cringe after that," Jeongin replied.

"Rude." Chan mumbled, gently placing kisses onto Jeongin's neck.

"Stop it I feel like i'm gonna throw up." Jeongin said, moving Chan's arms away from him and laying down on the blanket.

"Are you perhaps flustered Innie?" Chan questioned, laying down next to him and resting his hand on the younger's waist.

"I'm gonna punch you shut up."

"You wouldn't."

"I wouldn't?" Jeongin repeated, quickly moving to sit on Chan's stomach and held his fist back.

"No. You won't." Chan smirked, reaching up to grab his hand, pulling him down closer to his face "you aren't as intimidating as you think you are baby."

"You're annoying." Jeongin mumbled. moving away to lay next to his boyfriend again.

"It's really pretty here." Chan said, hoping to change the subject to a more light hearted one since he was worried he might of actually said something to upset the younger.

"Yeah...it's really peaceful too." the black haired boy added, grabbing some flowers from the ground beside him and began to tie them together.

"How did you find this place?"

"I wondered around a lot when I first moved here cause I didn't know anyone yet and I found this place and came here a lot."

"I wish I would have talked to you after we kissed at the party."

"Minho said that you talked about me a lot before I transferred to your school."

"Why must my friends expose me? It's not my fault that you're really cute."

"I'm not cute! Just admit that it was because I'm good at kissing."

"Do I want to feed your ego that much?"


"Let's just say it was a mixture of both." Chan laughed a bit and leaned in for a kiss that lasted a few seconds before he pulled away.

"I love you." Jeongin blurted out. His own checks flushed red once he realized he said that out loud.

They had been dating for a few months but neither have ever said that to the other. They were too busy teasing each other or saying other stupid stuff to ever really take too much stuff seriously.

"Oh?" Chan tilted his head.

Jeongin moved his hand to cover his face out of embarrassment.

"I was joking."

"Why are you embarrassed?" Chan asked, pulling his hand away and kissing him again, "cutie."

"Stop it." Jeongin winded, hiding his face into Chan's chest "I hate you."

"That's not what you were saying a few seconds ago." Chan teased.

"It's what I meant."

"I love you too." Chan finally replied, kissing the top of the younger's head.

"Love you." Jeongin repeated, kissing Chan one more time.

It felt kind of weird to finally say it...but in a good way.

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