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I was gonna make it two separate chapters but I couldn't find a good place to split it up so this chapter is long lol


Jisung had no idea why he was struggling so much choosing an outfit. It wasn't like he didn't see Minho every single day at school. And he only had a few hoodies and long sleeve shirts to chose from.

It's not like I'll look nice anyway. Just chose a freaking outfit Jisung.

He looked through his shirts and decided on a red hoodie, a pair of ripped jeans, and some black and white shoes.

He brushed through his hair so that it wasn't a complete mess then checked the time on his phone. It was currently 1:55 and he was supposed to be at Minho's house at 2 but according to his phone, it took 12 minutes to walk there.

Did I really take that long to pick an outfit? What's wrong with me?

Jisung asked himself as he grabbed his phone and went downstairs.

"I'm g-going to my f-friend's house," he informed his dad who was on the couch watching tv.

"I'm surprised you have one." He responded.

Me too.

"Yeah...anyway b-bye love you." He said, not bothering to wait for a response since he knew he wouldn't receive one.

He texted Minho and informed him that he was going to be a few minutes late then followed the directions on his phone.

Once he got to what his phone told him was Minho's house he felt nauseous. He didn't realize until he was already there that he had never visited someone's house before. He didn't think about how he may possibly have to meet Minho's parents when he went inside. Or about the fact that he was most likely spend more than the usual hour with Minho.

He awkwardly stood in front of the house for a few minutes and jumped a bit when he felt his phone buzz from in his hand.

Did you get lost?

Oh wait nvm I see you

I'll walk outside

"Hi, Jisung!" Minho said as he approached him with a smile.


Minho could tell that Jisung was nervous. He wasn't exactly sure how to make him calm down since he still didn't know him that well or what made him comfortable and uncomfortable. So he wasn't sure whether it was the smartest idea to grab his hand as they walked up to his house but Jisung didn't try to pull his hand away so he didn't regret it.

They both silently walked inside of the house and took off their shoes before Jisung followed Minho upstairs, still holding hands.

Jisung was surprised that Minho holding his hand wasn't making him freak out even more. But he actually found it calming. He was more focused on looking at their hands than overthinking everything else.

Once they got inside Minho's room Jisung looked around at everything. Minho's room was twice the size of his and it was pretty organized. His attention quickly went to the cat tower in the corner of the room that had three cats sleeping on it.

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