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Minho stayed still and just scrolled through his phone as Jisung slept, The younger didn't even flinch when the bell had rung for them to go to their third period but he wasn't about to wake Jisung up.

He knew his mom wouldn't care too much about him skipping since his grades were good, he just hoped that Jisung wouldn't get in trouble for it which he didn't even consider until Jisung had already fallen asleep.

About thirty minutes after their third period would have started Minho felt Jisung lift his head off his shoulder and reach for his phone to check what time it was.

"Why didn't you just leave after I fell asleep? You're gonna get in trouble because of me."

"I won't, my mom doesn't care that much about me skipping. Why were you so tired?"

"I was just thinking about stuff and I couldn't sleep."

"What's bothering you?"

"Just school stuff," Jisung lied.

"Do you need help with anything?" Minho asked even though he knew it definitely wasn't just about school if it had anything to do with school at all.

"No. We should go to class now." Jisung said and stood up Minho followed behind him and gently grabbed his hand again and pulled him towards the door to go outside where they usually ate lunch.

"Minho stop."

"Class is already halfway over anyway there's no point in going now and I'm worried about you."

"Why? I was just tired. I feel perfectly fine now. Everything's great. Why are you worried?"

"I can tell something's bothering you." Minho said, partly lying. He could tell that Jisung was acting a bit off but he most likely wouldn't have questioned it too much if the blue-haired boy didn't smell like blood.

Jisung forced a smile, hoping that it would be enough to get Minho to stop, "Minho it's just school, I have a test tomorrow and I stayed up studying because I'm nervous about it."

"Jisung," Minho said while holding Jisung's face and making him look at him.

Jisung could see in his eyes how worried he looked but he didn't understand why, he felt like he was doing a good job lying so why did Minho look so worried about him staying up so late studying for a test?

He felt his eyes start to tear up from the way Minho was looking at him and he started to feel slightly panicked.

"Why are you so worried it was just about a stupid test?" Jisung asked, looking down to avoid eye contact and the fact that Minho was extremely close to him.

"Because you're lying." (hEy SeUngMIn yOu'Re LyINg...I'm sorry it's not the time)

"No, I'm not." Jisung tried to say but he felt a tear fall down his face and Minho's hand quickly move to wipe it away.

"Please tell me what's bothering you so much. I'm really worried about you." Minho said as he pulled Jisung into a hug.

Jisung immediately wrapped his arms around Minho and started crying onto his shoulder.

"This is so embarrassing. Why do I keep crying in front of you?" Jisung mumbled as Minho rubbed his back to try and get him to calm down.

"Because you refuse to talk about anything that's bothering you and don't think that it's embarrassing to cry, please ."

"I can't tell you about it though that's the entire reason why I'm acting weird because I can't tell you something because you'll hate me and I don't want you to stop talking to me because I really like being your friend."

Does he...like me?

Minho wondered.

But that still wouldn't explain him bleeding, I shouldn't get my hopes up. I shouldn't even be thinking about it. That's not important right now.

"I would never hate you or stop talking to you. I really like yo- being your friend too."

They both stayed silent for a while and eventually Jisung stopped crying and all they heard was him occasionally sniffling. The bell rang again but neither of them moved, it didn't matter since lunch was next anyway. Not that Minho would have let Jisung gone to class in the state he was in if it wasn't.

"Can you tell me what's bothering you so much now?" Minho asked as he felt Jisung shake his head no.

"I can't."

Minho moved away from the hug and cupped Jisung's face again "Hey" he said, waiting for Jisung to make eye contact before continuing. "I'm not going to force you to tell me but if you ever want to talk about anything please tell me and know that I could never hate you for anything."

Jisung just nodded and sniffled again. Minho examined his puffy eyes, cute chubby cheeks, and how his nose was slightly red from crying. Even post mental breakdown he still managed to look beautiful. Then Minho once again made the mistake of glancing down at his lips.

Minho subconsciously moved the slightest bit closer then looked back up to Jisung's glossy eyes which were staring back at him.

Minho slowly looked down and started moving even closer. He looked up once again to see that Jisung had closed his eyes so finally closed the gap between them.

Jisung's lips were soft, just like he had imagined them to be. He couldn't help but smile into the kiss a bit as he pulled Jisung's face the slightest bit closer.

It took Jisung a couple of seconds to kiss back mainly because he was in shock but he did eventually. He knew he was going to regret it the second they pulled away so he never wanted it to end.

After about a minute Minho moved away the slightest bit to see Jisung still had his eyes closed.

"Um," Jisung said as he opened his eyes to see Minho already looking at him as he felt his face heat up.

"We don't have to talk about that right now. I'm sorry, you're probably really overwhelmed and I'm not helping."

"No it's okay I'm just- confused? But yeah, let's not talk about it. I don't want things to be weird. Let's just forget about it."

Hearing those words hurt but Minho knew it wasn't the time to be selfish about it. He was the one who chose to kiss Jisung at the worst timing possible.

The bell rang, snapping both of them out of their thoughts and Jisung quickly stood up.

"Thank you for everything. I feel a lot better now, I'll see you in art." He said before quickly walking away.

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