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"Jisung!" Seungmin said out of relief once he saw that Jisung was breathing again. "Can you hear me?"

Jisung didn't respond but instead opened his mouth which Seungmin took as a signal to give him more blood.

"Slow down." Seungmin tried to say so Jisung wouldn't end up choking but he ended up chugging the entire bottle within a few seconds. He opened his eyes for a few seconds but then closed them again and leaned his head back against the wall.

"Did it actually work?" Seungmin whispered to himself as Jisung let out soft snores since he was feeling exhausted from everything that had just happened.

Seungmin hesitantly started untying his hoodie from Jisung's wrist and gasped. Not only because he was no longer bleeding but because everything looked healed and the amount scars there were all over his arm along with two white circular ones from where Minho had bitten him.

Seungmin wasn't even that close to Jisung but his eyes still teared up as he gently ran his fingers over his arm. He quickly stood up and ran back to the room he had previously shoved Minho into.

He opened the door to Minho shaking as he sobbed and repeated over and over again "I killed him."

"Minho," Seungmin said softly and touched his shoulder to get his attention.

Minho flinched as he looked up at Seungmin as tears continued to fall from his eyes.

"Minho, he's okay," Seungmin said as he pulled his friend into a hug and used his palm to wipe Minho's face but the older shook his head no.

"I killed him."

"No you didn't," Seungmin said, pulling Minho's hand to get him to stand up.

"Seungmin stop!" Minho yelled as Seungmin dragged him to the room where Jisung was. Although he immediately noticed that he no longer smelled fresh blood.

Seungmin pulled Minho into the room and pointed to Jisung who was still peacefully sleeping against the wall.

"Is he...?" Minho walked over and sat down next to him and immediately grabbed his wrist to see that everything was healed and Jisung felt just as cold as he did.

Minho started crying even harder as he wrapped his arms around Jisung, never wanting to let him go but at the same time he felt extremely conflicted.

Yes, Jisung was alive and of course, Minho was happy about that but he wasn't sure if Jisung would be.

Minho would no longer have to avoid Jisung because of his and his mother's paranoia but this also changed so many other things. Especially for Jisung's personal life.

"I-... I turned him." Minho mumbled to himself as he kissed the top of Jisung's head then got up to pull Seungmin into a hug. "Thank you for stopping me."

Seungmin was about to say something but stopped himself when they heard the school intercom turn on and call Minho to the front office.

"So now the police decide to come." Minho rolled his eyes and moved away from Seungmin but then stopped and looked at Jisung, not wanting to leave.

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