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this is kinda just a filler chapter sorry :(

Minho, for obvious reasons, couldn't stay in Jisung's house when the paramedics (?) arrived. He was scared of being anywhere near him. He needed Jisung to be okay and he wouldn't be if Minho got too close.

Minho also couldn't go to the hospital. Not only for Jisung's safety but also for other people's. Being at a place filled with sick and/or hurt people wasn't a place for a vampire.

He couldn't do anything. He couldn't even be next to him at a time when he wanted to be most.

All Minho could do was go home. He didn't want to be anywhere else if he couldn't be around Jisung. He had to wait until Jisung was at the hospital and they called him for him to even get an update.

Minho got home and laid on his bed, reading the letter over and over again, crying harder each time he read over it. He knew Jisung said not to blame himself but he couldn't help it.

I should have known something was wrong.

I shouldn't have agreed to wait until Sunday to open that letter. I should have made him stay the night here.

Minho held the paper up to his chest, not being able to read over the words anymore as he let out sobs.

"Please be okay Jisung. I promise I'll try harder. I'll make sure that you never have to see your parents again." Minho mumbled as if Jisung could hear him.

After about half an hour Minho decided to call the hospital and ask if there had been any updates or information about Jisung but they just kept repeating that they would contact him once they figured out what kind of condition he was in.

It was honestly making Minho more upset he wished he could be there in person to find out about his condition and see how bad it was for himself. But he couldn't.

It was worse that he knew Jisung's parents weren't going to visit him. It was weird how they left as soon as Minho got to their house.

Did they know that he did this?

Are they really that horrible of people to just leave and act like they hadn't seen anything after seeing their son like that?

Did they try to leave so they would have some sort of alibi and lie about not being at their house when it happened?

I guess I shouldn't assume things like that.

Minho sighed and was about to go on his phone but paused to look at his screensaver which was still a picture of Jisung with one of his cats laying on top of him. He couldn't imagine Jisung really just simply being gone.

He has to be okay.

After a while, Minho gave up trying to distract himself because it was in the end just making him more nervous and sad. He didn't want to be distracted, he wanted to focus on Jisung but that was difficult considering that he couldn't be there with him.

Suddenly he heard his phone ring and answered it almost immediately.


"Are you Lee Minho? The person who called about Han Jisung?"

"Yes, is he okay?" Minho said in a broken voice.

"Do you know of a way to contact Jisung's legal guardians? They seem to not be answering calls at the moment and it is rather urgent." She questioned, ignoring Minho's question.

"I'm not sure just please tell me he's okay."

"He's...well...he's alive," She said, sounding hesitant about how to word things.

Minho let out a sigh of relief but immediately tensed up again at hearing the word but being added on to what she had just said.

"But I can't guarantee he will stay that way. We have stitched up his cuts but he lost a lot of blood and he's not in a great condition right now."

"Please don't let him die," Minho said and started crying again as if he had any more tears to cry at this point.

"We will do everything we can but I also really need to contact his guardians so I'm going to hang up now. I will be sure we call you again if anything new happens."

Minho was relieved but now also even more worried at the same time.

Am I really never going to get to see him again?

Never hold his hand again?

Never hug him again?

Never kiss him again?

No, he can't just disappear like that.

He's going to be okay.

He has to be okay.

He hoped that he would be okay. But only time could tell. However, time seemed to be passing way too slowly.

Minho wasn't sure exactly why but he grabbed a red pen and started drawing on his own arm. He didn't want to hurt himself. He wasn't doing it for the same reason he would do it on Jisung.

He imagined his arm was Jisung's. That Jisung had come to his house and told him about everything that had happened and how much it was bothering him instead of doing what he did.

Minho wished he were drawing on Jisung's arm right now instead of his own.

This seemed to be the only thing that somewhat got Minho to calm down though he still couldn't stop crying.

A while later Minho looked at his phone and saw that it was already past two in the morning. The last call he had gotten from the hospital was over 3 hours ago.

They would have called me if something bad happened...right?

But wouldn't they also call me if he had gotten better?

Minho decided to call the hospital himself to ask about Jisung. He doubted he would be able to sleep either way but he wasn't even going to try until there was an update on how the blue-haired boy was doing.

"Hi, I was just wondering if there have been any updates on Han Jisung?" Minho asked and waited a few moments until he finally heard a response.

"Han Jisung?" A man repeated as Minho heard the name of paper being moved around as he anxiously waited for an answer.


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