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Jisung was slightly confused when Minho didn't show up for school the next day. It would have been less worrisome if he had at least sent a text or something but there was nothing.

Jisung still wasn't too concerned about it until after school was over when he remembered Minho had told him that vampires don't get sick.

He decided to look for one of Minho's friends to ask them about it.

"Seungmin!" Jisung called out and ran up to the said boy who was walking out of school as well.

"Oh hi Jisung," Seungmin greeted with a small smile but was confused as to why Jisung was speaking to him.

"Do y-you know why Minho isn't at school today?"

"Nope. I haven't heard from him. Have you tried texting him?"

"Not yet. I was j-just wondering if he said a-anything to you guys a-about missing today. Thanks a-anyways."

"Well good luck. See you tomorrow." Seungmin said before running to catch up with his boyfriend.

Jisung decided to send Minho a text asking if he was okay then sent another one a few minutes later because he was starting to get worried but only became more anxious when his second text didn't even go through.

"Hey Jisung," Felix said running up next to him, "I'm gonna go on a date with Changbin today but he can drop you off at my house before we go if you want."

"No it's okay, I'll walk. Thank you though." Jisung replied and started walking to Felix's house after saying goodbye.

Did his phone die?

I really shouldn't start overthinking something like this, he's probably fine.

But he was Jisung. He couldn't help but overthink it. Especially when it was a few hours later when his second text still hadn't gone through and it went straight to voicemail when he tried to call Minho.

Maybe it's just a family emergency.

But that also wouldn't make sense considering that most, if not all, of Minho's family, are vampires.

He didn't sleep much but he hoped that Minho would be back tomorrow so he would stop worrying so much about something that probably wasn't that big of a deal.

"You look horrible," Felix said noticing the black circles under Jisung's eyes the next morning.

"Jisung sweetie are you sure that you can go to school today? You can stay home if you would like." His mom offered but Jisung shook his head no.

"I just didn't sleep w-well. I'm f-fine to go to school." He replied, giving them both a small somewhat reassuring smile.

He honestly would have been better staying at home but he was worried about Minho and he was way more focused on figuring out if Minho was okay than himself.

Once he got to school he quickly rushed off to his and Minho's first-period classroom where Minho would usually arrive early too as well so they could talk before class started.

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