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"Mom Jisung is gonna stay for dinner," Minho said as he walked downstairs with Jisung following behind him.

Minho's mom gave him a look wondering if he was stupid before smiling at Jisung. "I didn't really plan on making anything tonight but we can order something," she said going along with whatever situation Minho somehow got himself into. She knew what he was doing. He didn't want Jisung to go home because he was worried about him. But that didn't mean that she didn't think he was kinda dumb. It's not like he could make Jisung stay there forever, he had to go home eventually. "What would you like for me to order?" she asked Jisung.

"W-whatever you guys w-were going to eat i-is fine."

"Minho what should I order?" She asked, genuinely not knowing what to get for Jisung.

"Do you like pizza?" Minho asked, knowing that Seungmin would usually order pizza whenever he was over. Jisung just nodded and Minho's mom searched up places to order pizza from on her phone.

"It will be here in 20 minutes."

"T-thank you."

"No problem." She smiled at him. Before walking out of the kitchen. She wasn't even gonna bother saying anything to Minho about it. He's had Seungmin over before for dinner and avoided eating so she wasn't really that concerned about that part of it.

Jisung and Minho watched a random show on tv as they waited for the pizza to get there. Minho's mom came in at some point and handed him a dark-colored water which Minho had quietly thanked her for.

Once the pizza got there Jisung followed Minho into the kitchen as Minho got him a slice.

"Why didn't you get y-yourself one?"

"I'm not hungry," Minho said, hoping he didn't say anything else about it but of course he did.

"You asked m-me to stay for diner and you aren't g-gonna eat anything?" Jisung pouted.

The pout, that's what was killing Minho.

"I really don't think you eat enough. Please? I'm worried about you, like y-you said, skipping meals isn't h-healthy."

"Okay, I'll eat a slice." Minho agreed, forcing a smile.

They both grabbed a slice and went back upstairs to Minho's room.

Minho stared at the pizza. He really wasn't looking forward to eating it when he knew he was just going to throw up but he couldn't just say no after what Jisung had said. He felt guilty. He was the one who invited him to stay for dinner so it would be awkward for the younger if Minho made him eat alone.

The pizza still tasted good. His body just completely rejected anything that wasn't blood.

Once they both finished eating they silently continued watching whatever show they had been watching on tv until the episode was over.

"Thank you, Minho. I should probably go home now though." Jisung said, looking out the window to see that it was already getting dark outside.

"You aren't walking home in the dark," Minho said, glancing outside. "Just borrow some of my clothes tomorrow for school."

This was again, Minho not wanting Jisung to go home. He had pretty much convinced himself that Jisung being hurt had something to do with his parents and he didn't want him to go back.

"Minho it's not even completely dark outside yet. And I don't live that far away....I don't want to bother you anymore." Jisung said the last part quietly but still loud enough for Minho to hear.

"You aren't bothering me at all. I would have let you leave the first time you said you should have if you were. And I don't care, it's still dangerous to walk alone in the dark." Minho explained and suddenly he started feeling nauseous.

"Fine," Jisung said, knowing by now that he wouldn't win if he tried to argue. He figured he could just sleep on either the floor or the couch. He still felt bad about staying there for so long. Especially after what his parents said about Minho having to deal with him. But ignoring all of that, he honestly didn't want to go home anyway. He liked being around Minho.

"I'll be right back," Minho said, running into the bathroom and throwing up the pizza that he made himself eat. Suddenly it didn't feel worth it anymore. His throat was burning and he felt sweaty.

Luckily the sick feeling went away quickly, the only lasting effect was that his throat was still burning.

Once he was sure he wasn't going to be sick anymore he stood up and brushed his teeth to get rid of the disgusting taste in his mouth then went back into his room.

"Are you okay?" Jisung asked as Minho sat down next to him again.

"Yeah, I think the pizza just upset my stomach. I'm fine now though."

"You said you weren't hungry but I made you eat anyway, i'm really sorry." Jisung said, putting his hand up to Minho's forehead to make sure that he didn't have a fever.

"Jisung I'm fine, I promise." Minho looked up slightly and ended up getting lost in Jisung's eyes again. It was strange, whenever they made eye contact it was hard for either of them to break it.

Minho subconsciously started moving a bit closer as he glanced down to Jisung's lips which was a very big mistake on his part because now all he could think about was kissing him.

Jisung noticed Minho moving closer and tensed up. He had a good idea of what was about to happen but he wasn't sure what to do about it at all.

If Minho would have put the slightest bit of logical thought into the situation they were in he would have moved away and apologized. He didn't want to take advantage of Jisung. He wasn't even sure of his own feelings towards him. Kissing him would be out of the question.

But the logical part of his brain currently was not functioning.

He leaned a bit closer until they were so close that if one of them moved forward the slightest bit their lips would have touched.

And that is when Jisung finally decided to move away before anything happened that he knew both of them...or at least he thought Minho would end up regretting.

"Umm do you mind if I go take a shower?" Jisung asked, looking around the room, now avoiding eye contact with Minho at all cost.

"Yeah, I'll go get you some clothes," Minho replied, quickly getting up from his bed and grabbing a hoodie and some sweatpants that were a bit small for him for Jisung to wear.

"Thanks," he said quickly before taking the clothes and going to the bathroom.


it took a month to get him to agree to be my friend and i really almost ruined it that quickly.

Minho thought to himself with a sigh as he laid down on his bed and looked up at the ceiling.

But why am I kind of disappointed that he moved away?

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