Chapter 34: Realization

Start from the beginning

Kirishima's eyes inch upward, and he dreads that he will find an empty bed when his eyes finally arrive at their destination. Almost sighing his relief aloud, Kirishima claps his hands over his mouth when his gaze lands on Bakugou's curled-up form lying in bed, the light sound of breathing steadily flowing from under the sheets.

Thank goodness.... He's safe. Kirishima was worried for nothing. Now, he just needs to get out of here without actually waking up his easily infuriated friend. Lifting up a foot slowly, Kirishima pushes it back to backpedal lightly out of the room.

That does not happen. Instead, as soon as Kirishima puts down his foot and goes to lift the other, he manages to trip over nothing, stumbling and falling over with a yelp and a massive bang.

Kirishima keeps his eyes closed as he mumbles a low "ouch," scared to see Bakugou's glowering face, and pulls himself up to a sitting position with his knees propped up unevenly and his hands on the ground slightly behind him to hold him up. Bakugou definitely did not sleep through that, even if he is trying to sleep in and get rid of his exhaustion. Peeking one eye open over his grimace, Kirishima looks up at the bed, but there is no movement. Contrarily, the low and restful breaths from moments ago continue to fill the air, a low murmur of sleep-talk the only deviation.

Confused, Kirishima stands up again, making his way back to Bakugou's bedside. Could he have gotten sick because he had slept so little lately? Worried now, Kirishima's expression pinches in concern.

Better safe than sorry, Kirishima thinks, trying to convince himself to pull down Bakugou's sheets. I would rather him be mad at me while I know he is sick than for him to be sick in solitude.

With this thought in mind, Kirishima carefully pulls down the covers to Bakugou's chest to disturb his sleeping roommate as little as possible: a difficult feat, seeing as the linens had reached all the way over Bakugou's nose, but Kirishima does so nonetheless...and...successfully?

Kirishima feels his worry grow further when he notes the lack of reaction from his friend. "Bakugou?" he tries, whispering quietly. When he gets no response, he nudges the boy. "Hey, Bakugou," he calls a little louder. No response, yet again. "Bakugou, wake up!" Kirishima somewhat shouts, fear now taking him over. No response. What is happening? What's wrong? Kirishima's mind screams at him. "Bakugou!" he shouts in panic as he observes no reaction, shaking Bakugou's shoulders.

Something flies from Bakugou's mouth on a more violent jolt, surprising Kirishima and making him leap away with a yell of surprise. Looking back and forth between Bakugou's still form and the minuscule machine, no larger than the palm of a hand, Kirishima once again becomes confused. He rushes over to where the thing fell to the ground, picking it up and analyzing it with a clenched jaw. The breathing. It is producing sounds of Bakugou's breathing and mumbling. The sounds are...coming from the machine? Not...Bakugou?

Kirishima's eyebrows shoot up to his hairline, and his head snaps up. He looks back to where "Bakugou" lies. Then.... Kirishima's mind begins, cutting itself off as he stumbles over to Bakugou, slamming his head onto the blonde's chest hastily. Nothing. There is no sound. No movement. Actually.... Kirishima rests a hand on Bakugou's arm while he searches for a heart beat. This doesn't even feel like skin.




Kirishima slams his head onto the ground beside Bakugou's bed that is...being taken up by a well-made dummy...and screams painfully. His heart claws at his chest, and his fists hold at his shirt, body curling.


Hurried footsteps rush down the hallway and come to a halt in Bakugou's doorway. "What's wrong, Kirishima?" Midnight asks hurriedly, eyes going between Kirishima and "Bakugou."

Kirishima hiccups on a sob and turns his head towards the woman as tears stream down his face. "Bakugou's g-gone!" he sobs, staggering to his feet. "I w-was use-useless! H-he's g-gone! AaaaaaaagggghhhhhhHHHHHHHH!" he cries in despair, body crumbling around him.

Rushing to the dummy, Midnight checks it over to be sure, and she soon runs back out of the room, dialing a number on her phone with a terrifying expression on her face. She holds the phone to her ear as it rings. "This is not your responsibility, Kirishima. This is entirely my and the other heroes' faults, not yours," she says as she leaves, and Kirishima pulls himself shakily along to follow, leaving a trail of tears on the ground behind him.

I need to find him.


Lol this chapter wasn't gonna exist and I wrote a lot of the next one then went and decided to add this in as well cuz why not :3

Poor Kiri bb I'm rly torturing him heh

Word Count: 1462

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