"Sophia?" I muttered, she turned around at my voice, "Thank you for today it was really fun," I smiled at her.

"Anytime, cousin," She winked as she proceeded to walked down the stairs me following behind like some lost puppy. We both got into the car and I leaned my head against the window, it was very uncomfortable but that didn't matter when you were already half asleep.

So my eyes shut, only hearing the rumbling of the car and my head hitting the window, then I fell asleep, which was very much needed.


The cleaning smell from last night and this morning was still lingering around the room when Sophia and I stepped inside. Aundre and Enzo were both sprawled out against the couch watching some Netflix show on TV that I would definitely be grounded for watching.

"Hello boys," Sophia greeted, placing her bag on the counter and she went over and grabbed a cup, filling it up with water.



They both greated back and I rolled my eyes at Enzo's response.

"Sup dudes," Sophia mocked, she also must have found that response rather annoying.

"Where Riccardo?" I asked, walking over to the chair and taking a seat. Aundre reached over and grabbed the remote pausing the show they both didn't seam very interested in.

"He was going to town, I think he met a girl there because he said he'd be gone for a while," Aundre responded.

"Well I'm supposed to take all of you to the hospital, I don't know how happy Leo would be when he find out one of you are there because of some girl he just met," Sophia shrugged.

"I can text him to come back, no promises that he will though," Aundre proposed making Sophia nod her head.

"I say we just go, if Leo's pissed than well have a fun show to watch," Enzo laughed.

"I agree, I want to see him get yelled at," I whined at Enzo and we both walked to the door ready to head out.

"Fine-," Sophia sighed, "If Leo asked I said that we should text him," She warned, pointing a finger at all of us. Aundre practically rolled off the couch literally. As he turned off the TV and grabbed a blanket, bring that to the door with him.

"What are we waiting for? Lets go," He shooed, wrapping the blanked around his shoulders. They both were still in their pajamas, but I can't really judge because I'm not really in anything better.

We all headed down the elevator and out the front doors, the weather managed to get colder making my curse in my head for not changing into sweatpants.

Sophia got in the passengers seat, with Aundre, Enzo and Me all scrunched in the back, but luck for them because I ended up in the middle. I was actually last heading out the door, but after Enzo got in Aundre pushed me in front of him having me go in the middle. I didn't recognize the driver, but I never do it just seams like new one appear whenever.

Aundre's phone was playing sound the entire ride to the hospital while I looked out the front window. Enzo was also playing on his phone, him rather was much more considerate with other people in the car. Sophia was reading a book up front being very focused the entire time.

The car came to a halt when we arrived, it was by one of the side entrances one that I have only seen not gone in before. We all got out, Aundre practically pushing me into Enzo because I was, and I quote 'going way to slow' although Enzo was right infront of me.

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