Chapter 33

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I parked near where I last remembered the treehouse would be. It's been so long since I've been here. As I walked to the treehouse I started wishing I had brought a jacket with me or something. I'm stupid for not bringing one in the middle of December. I finally made my way to the treehouse. I smiled a little as I looked up at it. It looked so small now. It was much bigger when I was younger. I sighed and looked around.

"Hey!" I looked up and saw Kohen looking down at me from the small window. He could only fit his head through because it was too small for him. I smiled. "You should come on up and see it in here." I quickly made my way to the ladder and climbed up. He had opened the door from me. I had to crouch because I couldn't fit into the roof. He smiled as he had to do the same things. 

"Here, sit. You'll get comfortable eventually," he said and handed me a small pink beanbag chair. I smiled and sat on it. He smiled and sit in a similar one but in green. 

"Man, it's been a while since we've been here. I never realized how much I missed this place." I said.

"I know. I'm surprised it's still standing after almost two decades,"

"I didn't think it would be," 

We sat there in silence for a minute.

"Do you remember the time we stole one of my mom's favorite CDs?" He asked. I nodded and smiled.

"Yeah, we would steal some much of her favorite things."

"And would just leave it here until she knew it was missing," we started laughing a little.

"We would sneak out in the middle of the night just to come here and hang out more. Just imagine two nine-year-olds sneaking out of their houses late at night and run into the woods all the way to their treehouse," I said, smiling as I remembered it.

"We were made missing kids a lot,"

"So much more than we should've been. We worried our parents so much."

"And it wasn't even just sneaking out at night," he said. "We could do the stupidest things,"

"We would race up a tree trying to see who could get to the top first,"

"Who could just down the stairs from the highest height," 

"You would get scared out the one,"

"I would not!" I started laughing as he said that.

"Yeah, you did. You could go till you were about five steps from the bottom and got too scared to jump. You thought you would break your leg," I laughed.

"I did break my leg eventually!" He defended.

"Yeah, but not while jumping down the stairs! You thought you could play football with the older and bigger boys and they almost killed you!" I laughed harder.

"That is not funny!" He said. 

"Yes, it is," 

"Oh, how about that time you fell while practicing by yourself and still managed to break your arm," I stopped laughing but still smiled a little.

"Okay, I tripped over the ball and landed wrong."

"Still you were playing against yourself, how did you manage to do that?"

"Why did you play with the older boys?"

We both just broke down laughing and continued to try and embarrass each other by saying all the other stupid things we both did. Once we both calmed down it became quiet again. We sat in comfortable silence for almost five minutes.

"Can I ask you a question?" I broke the silence. He looked at me. 

"Yeah, sure." I sighed.

"On the phone, you said you left a note at the safe house. What did you say on it?" He sighed and looked at me.

"Jenny, we both know I'm going back to prison. There's no way I'm getting away from them. I'm gonna get caught again and there is no way I'm getting away. I'm not getting out this time."

"That didn't tell me what the note said,"

"How long ago did you give birth? Three, almost four months."

"Yeah, to a boy. Why?"

"Do you have any pictures of him?" I pulled my phone and pulled up a few pictures. He took my phone and smiled as he scrolled through them. "He's adorable. He's got your eyes just like Henry does." I smiled.

Listen, I know he's probably a psychotic serial killer but he's my best friend. He always has been. He was there when nobody else was. He helped me through everything. Even though he did bring me into literally every illegal thing he did. I know I shouldn't but I love him. He's my best friend. 

We were just thinking to ourselves before something brought out of our heads. It the bright red and blue lights. We both looked through the small windows and saw about five or six police cars and two SUVs. We looked at each other and side. 

"Fuck," we both whispered.

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