Chapter 16

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When I finally got to his house I immediately noticed that all the lights in the house were off. I sighed and went to knock on the door but as I did the door opened. I quickly pulled my gun out and opened the door the rest of the way. I slowly looked around to see if I could find anything out of place. I walked through the whole house and there was nothing. What the hell is happening here? I noticed the back door was opened when I heard a noise coming from outside. I went to go look outside but before I got to the door he jumped out in front of me. 

"Finally, you're here!" I jumped.

"Oh, my God!" I said. "Don't fucking do that!"

"Sorry," his hands were in the air. "But, uh, can you put the gun down, please?"

"Right, sorry. What is it you needed help with? You interrupted something very important."

"Is that a reason you're so dressed up?" I just remembered I never changed from after the date.

"Yes, no... that is none of your business. Now, what the hell is it?"

"You're not gonna like it,"

"What did you do?"

"Come take a look," he walked outside again and I followed him. In the corner, I saw a giant hole and a trash bag that was weirdly shaped. I sighed and only one thing came to my mind. 

"What is that?"

"Well... it's uh,"

"Kohen, I swear. What the hell did you do?" 

"Alright. In my defense, it was an accident. And it was to defend me."

"Who is this?" 

"My probation officer,"

"You're kidding, right?" He had a look on his face that was very concerning. I sighed. "So, you really wanted help to hide a body?"

"That's exactly it,"

"I can't help you. I need to be reporting this." I told him.

"Just help me,"

"How exactly did you kill him?" I asked due to me not seeing the body at all. He opened the bag half of the bag was full with blood. I put my hand over my mouth and ran to the bushes then started throwing up. 

"Are you okay? I figured you'd be okay with seeing these kinds of things due to your line of work."

"I'm fine. It's nothing. Oh, my God! Will you shut the bag, please?"

"Yeah, sorry. So, will you help me?" I let out a sigh of disappointment. 

"Fine. But only this once. I will not help you hide bodies. Not anymore."

"Why not? The ones before were never found."

"Mostly because they were on private properties,"

By the time I got home it was already one in the morning. I sighed as I walked through the door. I started making my way to the guest room and started getting changed in the bathroom. When I left the bathroom Emily was standing at the doorway. It scared me again. 

"Geez! Why does everybody keep scaring me?" 

"Whose everybody?"

"What? Oh, nobody. Do you need something?"

"Come with me," I nodded and followed her to the kitchen. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"Because you left so fast earlier. It worried me,"

"It wasn't you. I just got a call and it was urgent." She gave me a weird look. "What?"

"Nothing, is that blood on you face?"

"What, where?" I walked back to the bathroom and saw the blood at the top of my head. I quickly washed it off with water.

"Jayje, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. It's late and I just want to sleep." I said. She nodded then her phone went off. "No,"

"Oh, I'm sorry. We have to go in." I sighed.

"Alright, let's go." 

By the time we go there everybody else was already there. We walked into the round table room and sat down. Everybody just kept looking at us.

"What?" Emily asked.

"Garcia, told us a little something about you twp going on a date," Morgan said. I rolled my eyes.

"It wasn't a date!" I said.

"It was more just a small platonic hangout before we had to get back to work." Emily added.

"Mhm," Just then Hotch walked into the room.

"Emily you're not supposed to be here yet,"

"Oh, come on!" She complained, I smiled.

"You can stay here with Garcia." She sighed but didn't argue. "Alright what do we got?"

"Three men were killed in their homes. All were in their mid thirties with brown hair. They lived alone and were single." Garcia said.

"What's his cooling off period?" Rossi asked.

"There were 12 hours between each kill sir. The last kill was seven hours ago."

"That means we have five hours before the next kill. Wheels up in thirty." Hotch said.

Aftering going over the case a little on the jet we all went to do our own thing. Emily and I sat on opposite sides of the plane. I really wanted to talk to her about our kiss but I didn't want to do it with the rest of the team around. I mean, I know Garcia would say something it didn't really surprise me. I still didn't want to talk about anything that happenedwith them here. They'd profile the whole conversation from across the plane. I sighed and looked across the jet at her. She was playing poker with Reid. I could tell she was starting to confuse him because he looked clueless and both her and Morgan were laughing. I wonder what would happen if I told her about my past. How would she react? How would she react if I told her I like her? So much has running through my mind I started getting a headache. I just closed my eyes and tried to get some sleep.

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