Part Seven

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Emily called in telling Hotch that we weren't going to go to work today. I knew he probably wanted an in-depth reason and I'm sure she came up with something to tell him. As she talked on the phone all I could think about was last night before I came here. Will had gotten home drunk again. I don't even know why he started drinking again. I guess it could've been me getting shot. That did cause stress for both of us. He was home late and I got a little upset. He started yelling and then started hitting me, punching, and kicking. It hurt to breathe a little because of how bruised my ribs are. Henry came downstairs and I could hear him. I knew Will did, too, but he didn't care if he saw. He started crying again and asking Will to stop hitting me. I hate putting Henry through this. He's so little. But my mom loves Will so much. She's never seen him for who he really is though. 

"Hey, are you okay?" Emily asked. I turned around to look at her. I nodded.

"Uhh, yeah, I'm fine. It's just... I just realized I left Henry alone with Will. I mean, I know he wouldn't hurt him It's just scaring me." I explained. I let out a deep sigh to keep myself from crying. She pulled me into a hug.

"Do you want to go get him?" She asked.

"Is that okay?" 

"It's more than okay. Don't worry about getting changed. We won't be gone long." I nodded and we left. 

When we got to the house I saw the babysitter's car in the driveway. This gave me a moment of relief. We walked inside and Henry quickly came running over to me. 

"Mama!" I picked him up and just held him.

"Hi, baby," I sighed. The babysitter came walking in right behind him. He was smiling but I could tell he was upset about something. "What's wrong?" I kept my head down to avoid him questioning me.

"Will left last night after you did. He left his phone and Henry called me crying." He explained.

"Oh, my God. I am so sorry, Antonio." I said.

"Oh, it's no problem. I'm just glad he's okay. And you are too. Will is on the couch, sleeping." I accidentally looked up a little and I could see the worry on his face. "Oh, JJ, what happened to you?" I've always had a good relationship with Antonio. He's a great kid and babysits as a weekend job. I'm surprised he has time to do this due to being in college and all the courses he is taking. 

"I'm fine, it's nothing." I Lied.

"Is Will hitting you again?" I sighed. 

"Hey, Henry, how about you go outside and find Aunt Emily?" I said putting him down and opening the door. I shut it as he ran out smiling. I sighed and looked back at Antonio. "Okay, maybe he did once. But I'm dealing with it I swear. I'm going to be staying with somebody from work for a while. If I ever need you I'll call you, okay?" I could tell he was hesitant. He's good a kid and he's just now started to realize the reality of the world. 

"Okay, I'll trust you. But, JJ," He stopped for a minute. "I'm not going to make you do anything, but I'm only suggesting... leave him, please. For Henry at least." He grabbed his stuff and walked out the door. I walked not too far behind him. I got into the passenger seat of the car. Henry was in the back and Emily was waiting as well. 

"Who was that?"

"That's the babysitter. Apparently, Henry called him from Will's phone last night." I told her. "Em,"


"Is it okay if Henry and I stay with you for a little while. Until I get things sorted out? We can stay in the guest bedroom." I asked. I don't know why I was nervous asking this. She's one of my best friends. She smiled.

"Of course. We come back another time when Will isn't here and grab some clothes for you guys." I nodded and we left. 

I know this story has probably been a little boring and cringy AF but all the good parts are coming up soon I swear. I should start getting interesting soon. 

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