Chapter 32

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I woke up the loud beeping of Emily's alarm. I groaned as she got up to turn it off. I knew she was going to turn the light on so I pulled the blanket over my head. I heard her laugh then the bathroom door shut. I just laid there half asleep for about ten minutes before she came over and sat next to me.

"JJ, it's time to get up," she said softly. 

"Do not speak to me in that tone of voice when waking me up? It'll only make me worse." I knew she was smiling. 

"Well, come on. Get up! We only have half an hour till we have to meet up at the station." She told me.

"I don't want to go,"

"You have to. Unless you aren't feeling great today either," 

"I'm fine. Just give me five more minutes," 

She sighed.

"We're already gonna be late and the longer you take the later we're gonna be. And the more trouble we'll be in." She warned me. I sighed and got up and around.

"Alright let's go," I said as I finished and walked to the door. 

We ended up being late anyway. Nobody said anything but Hotch didn't look too happy with us? We just went over and sat down with everybody. Nobody may have said anything thing but they were all looking at us.

"Oh, my god! We were a few minutes late get over it!" Emily said. I smiled and looked down.

"Okay. So, we still don't have an idea whose fingerprint it was," Hotch said.

"Fingerprint?" I asked.

"I forgot to tell her," Emily sighed. "They had found a fingerprint but it was extremely smudged." I just nodded.

"We have put pictures out for the unsub. We're hoping somebody knows where he might be," Hotch said handing out the pictures to everyone. I already knew who it was going to be.

As I was handed the picture I knew I was right. I sighed. God! How could I be this stupid? He led me into a trap... again.  I don't know why I keep trusting him. There is nothing he has ever done to change. Well, I got myself here and now I either have to deal with it or try to reverse it. Which is highly impossible. 

"Um, where was the fingerprint found?" I asked.

"It was found in the master bedroom. Why?" 

"Oh, I was just curious," I said. 

Well, I never went into his bedroom so I'm fine. Although how could it be mine? I never touched anything when I was there. Not that can remember. I quickly got up and started walking out of the room.

"Jayje, where are you going?" Spencer asked me.

"I need to make a call," I said and walked till I got outside. The moment I did I made my call and waited.

"Hey! Jenny, you finally called! I didn't think you were going to. How's it going?" He started.

"Kohen, where the hell are you?"

"And ruin all the fun? Now, why would I do that? Besides, running from the cops is kind of fun. You remember how fun it was, don't you?"

"Kohen, they know your name. They've been to your house," I sighed. "They found the bodies," I whispered.

"Aw, really? I didn't think they would find them so fast. Did they find all eight?"

"Eight. You're telling me there's another body in your backyard?"

"Oh, no! Not in my backyard. It's somewhere better. Safer. And you know who he is."


"Think about it, love."


"Oh, come on! It's not like you liked the guy. You divorced him and he kidnapped your girlfriend, babe. Don't get upset with me now."

"Why would you do that?"

"I needed to get a message to you,"

"What, by framing my girlfriend?"

"Okay, I didn't mean for that to happen,"

"Sure. This is not why I called you. Where are you?"

"I told you. I can't tell you that. You'll try to find me."

"I won't tell anybody. I promise." He gasped.

"Oh! Are you coming to help me? Thanks, babe."

"Will you stop calling me that!"

"Right. You only like women. Didn't realize that one."

"God, why are you making this difficult?"

"Alright! Do remember that place we used to go to when we were kids?"

"The treehouse our dads built?"

"That's the one. I'm going there. Thought maybe I'd like to relive some good memories before... well you know,"

"Are you going to turn yourself in?"

"Not exactly." He sounded calm. Way to calm. "But I did leave a note at the safehouse. Listen, JJ, I'd love to keep talking but I'm almost in the woods. I hope to see you. Or maybe I won't. Your decision. I love you." and he hung up.

Either I go to him and get arrested myself. Or stay here and I arrest him. I don't like my options. I'll take my chances. I got in one of the SUVs and went to the treehouse. Am I really willing to drive two hours? No. But I am gonna do it. And in the process, I technically stole police property.

Emily's POV 

"Emily, will you go check on JJ? She's been gone a while." Hotch asked me. I nodded and went out to find her. As I walked outside I didn't see her. I didn't need to look hard. It was a very small parking lot. I sighed and tried to call her. It went straight to voicemail. I got into an SUV and drove to the hotel. It was only a few blocks away. 

I walked inside and it was empty other than all of our stuff. I sighed. 

"Dammit, JJ!" I muttered and left. I walked back into the station and found Hotch. "I don't know where she is. I went to the hotel and she wasn't there."

"Have Garcia track her phone," I nodded and called Garcia. 

"Finally somebody needs something. What can I do for you?" She asked.

"I need you to track JJ's phone,"

"Again? Why do we keep losing you two?" She asked.

"I don't know,"

"Uhh, her phone is shut off but it was last pinging off a cell tower right outside of woods near where JJ grew up,"  she said.

"Why is she going back up North?"

"I don't know but you guys better go find her. I have a feeling something bad is going to happen,"

"Yup, me too. Thanks," I hung up and looked at the team. "We have to go,"

Beautiful Crimeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें