Chapter 11

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I was sitting in my office waiting for anybody to find any leads on the unsub. It was starting to get weirder the more I thought about it. Why was he so specific on the type? Who could've hurt him so bad just by being gay? How hard did he fall for this woman? Is he working his way to the woman who hurt him most? I was brought out of my thoughts by a knock at the door. I looked up and saw Emily peeking her head through with a smile on her face. 


"Hey, Hotch said we should go home since it's getting late. There hasn't been a murder in two days and we haven't found enough yet." I nodded and started getting ready. "Are you okay? You've shakey ever since you got here." I sighed.

"It's nothing. It's just been a really exhausting week and I might have had too much coffee." She smiled.

"I understand," she said as we started walking to the elevator.

"Although, I could ask you the same thing,"

"What do you mean?"

"Earlier you were also shakey and fidgety. You started picking at your nails again which proves you're nervous about something. What is it?" She sighed and started picking at her nails again.

"I wanna tell you something I just don't know how you'll react. I don't want to ruin our friendship." She said. 

"Well, you don't have to tell me now. Just tell me when you're ready. Let's get to the car."

As we were driving home it was quiet. We didn't say anything. I would still find myself looking and admiring her when she wasn't looking. Something in me told me to kiss her right at that moment. I fought the urge to do it because it would be dangerous seeing as she's driving right now. We got to her apartment and I got out. She stayed in.

"You okay?"

"You go in. I just need to think." I shook my head and got back into the car.

"No, we've been through this enough before. We don't need any more kidnappings." She smiled and we went quiet again. It was a comfortable silence.

"JJ, I'm gay," she said out of nowhere. I looked at her. "I'm gay," she said slower than the first.

"Was that what you were gonna tell me?" I asked. She nodded. "You thought that would ruin our friendship?" She looked down. I smiled. "Of course it wouldn't. Nothing changes how I feel about you." I saw a smile slowly creep on her face.


"Yes! Besides, I've been having my own struggle with sexuality anyway." 

"Really?" She asked a little more surprised this time.  

"Yup! Although, I don't know exactly what my sexuality is I'm just about 99% sure that I like women." 


"Now let's get inside and get some sleep." 

When we got inside Henry and the babysitter was sitting on the couch watching TV. Henry was asleep peacefully. Antonio got up and left soon after we got there. We got around for the night and I carried Henry to the guest bedroom. I can't believe I admitted that to her. Maybe I should just go back and live with Will while I'm figuring this out. He won't be there half the time anyway. Neither will I. But that would put a toll on Henry. 

We were called in at four in the morning due of another woman's body was found. Hotch was obviously there first. Then Rossi, Reid, then Morgan, and Garcia. Emily and I ended up being the last ones there. 

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