Chapter 19

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"Em, I  gotta tell you something,"

"What is it?"

"I'm pregnant,"


The next two chapters will include things that happen in season six. Specifically episode 17 to about episode 20. So, there might be some spoilers for those who haven't watched them. It's not a lot though. And it might get a little away from the Jemily storyline it'll come back to make sense later.

Emily's POV

I sat there in shock. I didn't know what to say. I mean, she just brought the up out of nowhere. It felt like I couldn't breathe anymore. Well, more for her. The first thing that came to my mind is who's is it but it couldn't be anybody other than Will's. 

"Em? Emily, say something,"

I looked at her. She looked worried.

"Look, I get it if this changes everything for us but..."

"What are you talking about? It's not gonna change anything. I'm sorry that just caught me off guard." I explained to her. "Okay, this might be a stupid question just don't get offended by it but is it..."

"Yes, it is Will's. And I found out a few weeks ago." 

I noticed her look away from me. She looked scared yet disappointed. I smiled and grabbed her hands.

"Why do you look like that? I'm not going anywhere. I'm gonna be right here with you. Nothing will scare me away from you."

"No, I know that,"

"Then what is it?"

"I was thinking that since I'm pregnant again that maybe I should move out."

"Why? You've been living with me for almost half a year,"

"I know, but since I'm pregnant again I figured you wouldn't want a crying baby waking you up in the middle of the night. Besides, adding this baby along with Henry it's just gonna be a mess. So, I figured moving out would the best option." 

"JJ, I don't..."

The door opened with Garcia walking through.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt but we have another case,"

"What is it now?" Morgan asked. 

"Two homes in DC were torched and both families were killed last night," Garcia said. 

"And it hasn't hit the news?" Morgan asked.

"That's usual. They usually thrive on tragedy," Rossi said.

"But it gets weirder,"

"Ron and Lauren Cosenza and their ten-year-old son were found in the master bedroom of their home, all shot in the forehead. The gun belonged to the father." Hotch said.

"Murder-suicide?" JJ asked.

"Well, they are thinking that but they want our help,"

"The second family was found the same. In the master bedroom from a suspected gas leak." Reid said. 

"Any connection between the families?"I asked. 

"A continent. Kerry Fegan was born in Germany, Ron Cosenza is from Italy." Garcia said.

"So, we have one that looks likes a murder-suicide and the other a gas leak, and the only connection we have are the fathers are from the same continent?" Morgan asked.

"He's highly organized and motivated," Reid said.

"And if he wants to kill again, he's got 72 hours before the storm shuts the city down," Hotch said and we all left.

After a while, it looked like we had a suspect. Morgan and I went to the address. Although, during this whole time my mind had been overcome with the thought of what JJ told me. Don't get me wrong I'm really happy for her. It's just the fact that she wants to move out. I don't understand why she would want to do that. But I'm sure she has her reasons to do that. I guess I could just talk to her about it. I mean, it could be because we just started dating and since she was already living with me it felt like it was going too fast? I'm not sure. I'll just wait till after this case to bring it up to her.

We were all standing around Reid as he was drawing a sketch of a tattoo that Morgan and I saw on a victim. Although, we couldn't make it out because they were also shot directly in the wrist exactly where the tattoo was. 

"I got it," he said and showed us. I immediately recognized it and quickly walked away. I went to another room to call somebody. 

"Hey, what's going on?" She asked. Just then Garcia walked into the room. Dammit.

"Are you okay?" She asked and I quickly hung up,

"Yeah, I'm good," she then went on about her not being a profiler, and then I lied to her. Which I hate doing. I hate lying. Then, JJ walked into the room.

"Hotch needs you in the scif," she said. I nodded and left. 

We were all sitting in that room. It was really intense. As they were all talking I stayed quiet. mainly because I already knew exactly where it was going and I just waited for it to get there. It was really quite frustrating. The that I know everything already and I was told not to tell my team but I guess that didn't matter. They are now being brought into it anyway. 

"What's his name?" Hotch asked. As he was saying it out loud I was saying it in my head.

"Ian Doyle," I let out a small, frustrated sigh. And now it begins... again. 

"Ian Doyle is on literally everyone's list," Garcia said. "His mug is all over the place."

"Okay, but how are we supposed to know who is on his list?" JJ asked. 

"We study his life, look for anyone who he has come in contact with."

"He's been in prison for seven years. Maybe let's start with how he got out of prison." I said.

"Well, where was he locked up?" Morgan asked.

"Russia, I think." 

"Was Doyle on your radar when you were at Interpol?" Hotch asked me.

"Yeah, I heard of him, but I'd have to ask around about direct contact."

"Do it,"

Morgan and I were on our way to a guy named Byron Delaney's house to see what we could find. I was trying to get a hold of my contacts.

"Nobody getting back to you?" 

"I only have a few contacts, but they'll get to me," I told him. Then my phone went off. "Hey. Thanks for getting back to me. I need some intel on Ian Doyle."

"Are you alone?" Tsia asked. I've had these conversations before.

"Not at all. Anything you can spare."

"Is your team in danger?"

"Absolutely. you should start with our victims, Ron Cosenza, Kerry  Fagen, Byron Delaney. Se if they connect with Doyle in any way."

"I'll send you a document," she said. 

"Thanks," I said and hung up.

"They got something?" He asked.

"We'll see,"

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