Chapter 25

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Emily's POV

"I cannot believe you guys right now. You really believe that I killed Will. He was in prison and I was in Paris. How the hell was I going to get to him?" I asked both Hotch and Morgan who were in the room questioning me. I sighed. "You guys really think I killed him,"

"All evidence is pointing to that," Morgan said. I laughed. 

"Weren't you the one who came in here and said 'we don't believe you did it? Where did that go?"

"Listen, Prentiss, we found your fingerprints at the crime scene. Would you like to explain that to us?" Hotch asked.

"How long ago was Will killed?"


"How long ago was he killed?"

"Five days ago. He was found a few hours after he was killed."

"Okay, five days ago I was still in Paris."

"Do you have somebody to confirm that?" Morgan asked. 

I froze for a second. I do have somebody. Oh, god I hope JJ isn't anywhere near to hear anything.

"Yeah, yes, I do."

"We are gonna need a name, number, and address."

"She's in Paris. Why do you need an address?"

"It's just protocol," I sighed.

"Fine. Just let me see JJ."

"She's not on this case," Hotch said.

"I don't care and I know she doesn't either. Three minutes was not enough the last time." I handed them the paper. "And this time don't listen in. I want to be able to talk to her alone. She is... she was my girlfriend. I just want to know some things. Things that are only between me and her."

Hotch sighed.

"Fine. I'll let her come back in."

"Thank you,"

I waited five minutes for JJ to come in. And when she finally walked in I was relieved. 

"Finally, you're here," I said.

"Did you need something?" 

"Was somebody standing outside when you walked in?"

"No, they were all standing outside my office. Nobody followed. Why?" She asked.

"Because I've been wanting to do this for a while," I grabbed her and kissed her. I pulled her closer to me. I was kind of surprised she kissed me back. I figured she'd hate me too much to even try. I pulled away and I could see the small smile she tried hiding on her face. "I'm sorry. I had to kiss you. I haven't seen you in forever." She put her hands on my face.

"It's okay. There is no reason to be sorry. But what is the real reason you kissed me? Other than you haven't seen me in 10 months,"

I sighed.

"Because Hotch and Morgan were in here questioning me earlier. I had to tell themthe  last person I was with the day Will died."

"But you were in Paris. Why would they need someone to tell them you were in Paris?"

"I don't know but it's what they asked for. So I told them."

"But why are you telling me this,"

"Because I don't how you'll react when you find out."

"Em, just tell me."

"Six days ago on the day Will was killed I was depressed. I was missing you, I was upset, and I didn't know when I was going to come back. Hotch said it probably wouldn't be for a while. He said about another year. I went out drinking one night. I just wanted to forget everything. I didn't know when I would see you or Henry, or the team again. I know we weren't together at the time, I think. I don't know what we were when I 'died' What were we when I died?"

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