Chapter Nine

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Emily's POV

I could barely sleep through the night. I would constantly wake up. I don't understand why but to is what's happening. Although, everytime I worry about something excessively I can never get any sleep. And even though JJ has been staying with me for the past month I'm still worried. I know she is constantly getting calls from Will and she tries to hide it but we I know. The whole team thinks she's still at home. 

Since it's Saturday we don't really have to go to work. Not unless we're called in. For the past hour she'd been pacing around like she'd getting ready for something. I've just been sitting on the couch watching her. I finally decided to stop her.

"Jayje," she stopped to look at me. "What are you doing?"

"What do you mean?" She asked. 

"All morning you've been walking around and getting ready like you're about to leave. Where are you going?" She bit her lip a little and looked around which she only does when she's nervous. "JJ, what is it?"

"It's nothing," she looked at her phone. "Look, I gotta go. We can talk about this later, okay?" Before I could say anything she had walked out the door. 

I thought about following her but she has the things she doesn't want to talk about just like the rest of us. Just then Henry came running in. That's what didn't take. Well, who.

"Where's momma going?" He asked.

"Your guess is as good as mine," 

After a couple hours I got a text from Garcia telling me we had a case. I sighed and called the babysitter. JJ had given me his number just in case she had me stay home with Henry. He was here in five minutes and I left. 

I showed up to the Bureau thinking JJ would already be there, but she wasn't. Everybody looked at me thinking she would be with me because we've been going to work together. 

"Where's JJ?" Reid asked.

"I thought she would've been here."

"Is she not with you?" Garcia asked. I shook my head.

"We don't have time to wait. It's a local case we can fill her in when she gets here." Hotch said. 


I was sitting outside a small cafe type place. I just waited. I was told one o'clock and it's now one-thirty. I sighed and got up. I barely took a step before somebody got in my way. I looked up and we looked each other directly in the others eyes. 

"Where do you think you're going, Jennifer?" He asked. 

"What took you so long?" 

"Sit, please, we have lot of catching up to do." I did as he said.

I knew not to mess with him. Not listening would always get me in trouble. 

"So, Kohen, why did you want to meet me so fast?" 

"Well, I missed seeing that pretty of yours. You know being in prison and all. How have you been? You and Will still doing okay?"

"We're just fine. A few complications here and there but overall we love each other." I lied. I don't love him. Not like used to. 

"You're lying. You know I can tell when you're lying." I stayed quiet. "You don't love him anymore."

"You don't know what you're talking about."

"So, who is the lucky guy?" 

"That is none of your business,"

"Oh, come on you can trust me,"

"I said, leave it alone,"

"Oh! I get it now. You're in love with a Woman! You know I always knew something like this would happen. You never gave men the same attention you gave Women and I don't blame you. Women are hot."

"From how well you can read me you should become the profiler,"

"Nah, you can keep your job. I'd much rather stick with mine." Then my phone chimed. I looked at it. Garcia was telling me that there was a case. I just put my phone away. "Is that your work? Tell them you'renot coming in today. You're busy."

"I'm not busy with anything,"

"Yes you are. You're busy trying to get free."

"Free from what?" That's when I saw the gun in his hand. I froze for a second.

"You're gonna come with me and we're gonna be partners again,"

"And what if I refuse?"

"You're as good as dead,"

"I'd much rather have that,"

"And so is your son, and that beautiful woman you've been living with. Isn't she your co-worker. Are you two hooking up?"

"Fine, I'll go with you. Just don't hurt them, please."

"I won't for now,"

Beautiful CrimeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora