Chapter Three

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I slowly open my eyes. It takes me a minute to put together where I am. I quickly realize I'm in a hospital and remember that I got shot. I sighed.

"Oh, you're awake." I looked over and saw Emily sitting next to the bed. I was a little confused. How come she of all people are in here. I figured Reid, Hotch, Garcia, Morgan even. Not Emily. "Do you remember what happened?"

"I got shot by the unsub," I said and sat up a little. "Did you get him?"

"Yes, we did. He's in custody now. Hotch said that we would be leaving once you get out of here." She said. She smiled like she was trying to lighten up everything. 

"Where is the team?" I asked.

"Would you like me to go get them?" She asked. I sighed and shook my head.

"No, not right now. I just want to sit here a while. Before they come in and start asking questions." She nodded. We went quiet. I looked and her and sighed.

"What is it?" 

"I- it's nothing," 

"Are you sure?"

I thought about what I wanted to ask her. I thought about how she would react. Good. Bad. In the middle. As I thought about it a little longer I came to the conclusion that it didn't matter. I smiled at her and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm sure. You can go get the rest of the team now." I said. She nodded and left.

Within a few minutes, the room went from quiet and empty to questions and full of people. I sighed as everybody came at me asking me if I was okay, how I felt, how I was doing. I laid my head back down on the pillow.

"Hey, guys. Leave the girl be." Rossi said. I smiled a little. "Just give her some space." He walked over to me. "Now, I'm going to kindly ask, how are you doing, JJ?" 

"I'm doing alright. Just hurts a little." I told him.

"Hey, JJ, would you like me to call Will and tell him what happened?" Emily asked. 

"Uhh, sure," I hesitated. She nodded and walked out of the room. Why did I hesitate?


I was finally getting let out of the hospital. They cleared me to fly and everything. I just want to get back home to Henry. Emily had helped me get all of my stuff sorted and ready. I'm still really confused about why she's suddenly started talking to me. 

"Hotch said they're leaving soon. We better get going." Emily said. I nodded. "You okay?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine." I told her. 

"Come on, JJ, you can talk to me." She said. I sighed.

"It's just Will. He never wanted me to work for the FBI. He always warned me about how dangerous it was and how I'll never be home to see Henry anymore. I mean, all I've ever wanted to do was work in the FBI. And now I am."


"But Will doesn't want me to. He already wants me to quit. I don't want to quit. This is where I belong. I love here, but now I'm starting to think I should just listen to him." 

"Why? I mean, if you feel like you belong here then stay here. He can't make you do anything. You're even married to the guy." She said. I sighed. "Hey, look at me. Talk to him. Tell him everything will be alright." I smiled.

"I just got shot, Emily, how am I supposed to tell him it's alright?"

"Things like this happen. We put our lives on the line to save others. I guess try to get him to understand that. That's just how it works here." She said. I smiled even more. 

"I'll talk to him,"

"You'll tell me how it goes?"

"Of course," I said hesitantly and we made our way to find the others. We found them sitting in the waiting room. I smiled. "You guys are here? How long have you been waiting for me to get out?" They all smiled as well. 

"Okay, before we put ourselves behind let's go. You guys can all talk on the jet." Hotch said. I looked at Emily who shrugged.

When we got on the jet, within ten minutes everybody was doing their own thing. Morgan was listening to music. Both Rossi and Reid were asleep. Hotch I'm sure was looking over more case files. And Emily is sitting across from me looking out the window. I just kept looking at her. I don't know why but it's like I was admiring her. 

"What are you looking at?" She asked. I quickly snapped out of my trance. She was smiled. I smiled and looked down. Dammit, she caught me. "JJ? You okay?"

"Uhh, yeah. I'm fine. I'm just worried about my conversation with Will is all." I said. Before she could say anything Hotch had come over. We both looked at him.

"JJ, I forgot to tell you. You will be getting the next two weeks off to heal." He asked. I nodded because I was too tired to argue. I probably needed the break anyway. He walked off. I sighed and laid my head on my hand.

"You look tired," Emily said. 

"Really? No way!" I said sarcastically. She laughed.

"Why don't you come over and lay your head on my lap. It might be a little more comfortable." She said. I didn't hesitate to stand up. I sat next to her laid my head on her lap as she had suggested. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep. I was really tired and never got much time to sleep. 

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