Chapter 13

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"Guys, I'm getting worried. It's almost been 24 hours and we haven't found anything." I said beginning to get really stressed and worried. 

"Maybe you should take a little break. Get some sleep, maybe." Hotch said.

"No, I'm doing anything until we find Emily," I started thinking about anybody who could've been in her life. Unless this case has nothing to do with her kidnapping. I quickly walked to Garcia's little lair. "Garcia, I need you to track a phone for me."

"Okay, why? Is it helping you get close to Emily?"

"I don't know. Just find it."

It felt like it took forever to find it, but when she did I was out of there as fast as possible. Morgan followed me. 

"Where are you going?" Morgan asked.

"To go talk to someone,"

"Would you like someone to go with you?"

"Nope, I'm gonna handle this on my own,"

When I got there it was just a house. A normal-looking house. Well,  this is more surprising than anything. I didn't even try knocking and I walked in. He was sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Really?" Kohen jumped and looked back at me.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He asked.

"You lied,"

"What? No, no, I didn't lie about anything. What did I lie about?"

"You said you wouldn't hurt Henry or Emily. Now Emily has been kidnapped. You lied!"

"I did not lay a finger on her. I've already been in prison and I just got out. I'm not going back. Besides, I'd be breaking curfew right now." 

"You really didn't take her?" 

"No! I'm not trying to go back."

"But you're threatening me to go back to what we used to do which is illegal,"

"You got me there, but we're not going to get caught this time."

"Nevermind, do you have any idea who might've taken her?"

"Your ex,"


"Yeah, he was here a couple of weeks ago. He was yelling about how his wife left him for "some bitch that she worked with" it was quite funny honestly."

"You think Will had something to do with this?"

"Yeah, maybe. He said many things that day I really wasn't listening to him. It was all boring. But if you're looking for him he's probably out in the middle of fucking nowhere."

"Do you know the address?" He nodded. "Text it to me. I have to get there."

Emily's POV

The door opened again. I sighed. Here we go again. 

"Look, whose back!" I said sarcastically. 

"I didn't ask you to speak,"

"So, earlier you said that I stole everything you had. What was it that I stole from you?"

"Nothing, just my entire life," 

"Well, that doesn't help,"

"Shut up!"

"Let me guess... was it money? Family? Or maybe it was your entire life like you said."

"I said, shut up!" He yelled and put a knife to my throat getting real close to my face.

"Oh, my God. You're doing this to me? What did I ever do to you?"

"You stole my whole life," He said dragging the knife down my body. 

"She never loved you," that's when he stabbed me. It hurt like hell but I did my best not to show a lot of pain. "She's just trying not to get hurt again," He now twisted the knife. "You drink so much that she just wants to keep Henry safe." He took that knife out and stabbed me again.

"You wanna keep going?"

"I'm dead anyway,"

"You're right. You are dead."

"Will!" We heard a person yell. I knew it was JJ. I smiled a little. He went behind me and held the knife to my throat. The door opened with JJ walking in. "Come on, Will, you know you don't want to do this." 

"You're wrong. She took you away from me. I don't really understand why. I didn't  do anything wrong."

"You started hitting me again, Will. I wasn't going to stay there and I wasn't going to leave Henry,"

"You're lying. I wouldn't start doing that. Not again."

"You started drinking again. I guess you were too wasted to even remember beating me again." 

"Will you forgive me?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. I felt my eyes getting heavy as I was losing a lot of blood. Just then the whole team came through the door. 

"JJ, what the hell are you doing here?" Morgan asked. 

"No, Will, you're going to jail for a long time." She said. That's when I started slipping out. Everything went black and all I heard was three gunshots. 

I woke up and immediately knew I was in the hospital. I looked around the room to see anyone. Anyone but a doctor but the world really wasn't on my side. There was already a nurse standing in my room doing whatever they needed. 

"Good! You're awake!"

"Where's my team?"

"They are right outside. Would you like me to get them?"

"Just JJ. Just JJ."

And she left. I let out a deep sigh and tried to sit up. 

"Hey, don't try and move so much. You were stabbed and shot?"

"Shot? I thought I was just stabbed,"

"Reid accidentally shot you in the shoulder. He's scared as hell to go anywhere near you now," I smiled. 

"Why does that not surprise me? How long have I been out?"

"Four days,"

"Really? Oh, my whole body hurts."

"Yeah, I'm not surprised by that,"

"What happened to Will. The last I heard was gunshots. Did he get hit?"

"Yeah, he got hit in the shoulder as well. He got out of the hospital a couple of days ago. He's getting processed and everything and he won't be bothering us ever again. You also get the next month off and Hotch allowed me to stay off for the first two weeks just to help you around until you can do things on you're own,"

"I'm too tired and sore to argue with that. I'm just glad I get back in the field in a month,"

"No, you get back in the field when the doctor clears you. You can come back and work at a desk in a month," She said while smiling. 

"Oh, I hate you," she grabbed my hand.

"No, you don't," as she did that I froze. I felt a type of sick. Well, butterflies in my stomach. I smiled and looked down scared that my face was turning red. "Would you like me to get the rest of the team?"

"Can it just be you and me for a while, please? I just want to be with one person for now." She nodded and stayed. I'm glad she stayed with me. And I'm glad it was just her. Although I'm still denying my feelings for her. But this last case made me realize how much I really wanted to protect her. And how much I wanted to be with her. But I should eventually tell her. It might help me calm down more.

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