Dimitri sends me a pitying glance when he notices I'm watching me and Skylar. Skylar also sees me and whispers something into Dimitri's ear nodding her head in my direction. He quickly shakes his head no and whispers something to her, how I wish I was closer to hear them because I have a feeling their conversation is about Ryder and me. Skylar glares at him, but when she glances at me her eyes soften and a sadness enters them.

Dimitri guides her to another table forcing Skylar to turn her back to me cutting off the silent conversation we were having. Lucan and Ryder have yet to appear. I turn back around and debate on if I could have one drink, but the problem is I don't think I would stop with only one. The mirror on the back of the bar shows me Ryder and Lucan are entering the bar. They are both so invested in the conversation neither one notices me standing at the bar.

"You are making another fucking mistake Ryder," Lucan seethes slamming has hand on the bar.

Ryder runs his hand through his hair. "She won't let me explain what actually happened last night, but you know what her stubbornness for once is going to be helpful."

"I'm not fucking talking about what the fuck happened last night and you fucking know that." Lucan scolds. "You need to really think about what you are about to do and I mean really think about it because I'm fucking warning you I'm not so sure you will ever be able to come back from this. No matter how fucking noble you are tying to be." I've never heard Lucan swear so much before in one conversation. Whatever they are talking about Lucan is clearly not happy about. 

"I've had all day to think about this and I don't see any other options," Ryder sighs resting his elbows on the bar and leaning forward. I slink closer to the people next to me not wanting either one to spot me feeling slightly guilty for ease dropping, but not enough to stop. "I love her Lucan and whether or not we are able to fix our relationship after this doesn't matter. Because at the end of the day I love her," he says the last part with such anguish tears spring to my eyes.

Lucan pats him on the back. "We may not agree with you on this, but at the end of the day you are our brother and we will support you. When the end comes we will be there to help pick up the pieces."

Ryder turns his head to stare at Lucan. "Thanks. That really means a lot to me." He looks forward for a second before turning his attention back to Lucan. "Do I have everyone's promise what happened earlier today and my decision will go no further?" 

"Again I can not stress enough how much I disagree with all of this, but yes none of us including Skylar will speak on on it."

"Especially Aubree. Well Ms. Parker as she wants me to call her," Ryder retorts standing back up.

Lucan shakes his head. "She's really pissed at you, but after this she may even hate you."

Ryder rubs his forehead. "Her being pissed me right now is becoming more of a help than an hindrance. I could almost hug Adam for his part in all this." At Lucan's raise brow Ryder adds, "But I won't because I would much rather punch him in the face. As for hating me if that is consequence of my actions so be it. But you never gave me your guarantee not to tell Aubree," Ryder demands.  

Lucan throws his hands up in the air. "Alright I tried. No one will say a word to Aubree." Neither one of them speaks again other than to order drinks from the bartender. Once they have drinks in hand they too head off to mingle leaving me alone at the bar with my thoughts.

What can the two of them be up to? What happened while Skylar and I were here at the bar setting up for the concert? Why did Ryder make everyone promise not to tell me? Is this another family I'm not apart of? We've never kept secrets from each other till now. And what part did Adam play in this? 

Too many questions are spinning around in my head and not enough answers. I hate being on the outside looking in. Everyone seems to have an inkling of what is going on except me. And the fact this is impacting my life has me seeing red. How dare they keep me in the dark and here I thought we were one big family. 

"Ms. Parker," a deep voice says pulling me from my thoughts. I turn to discover Frank standing next me. "No good ever comes out of easy dropping." Fuck I was caught. "Whenever someone ease drops the only get a small piece of the puzzle." Frank walks away and continues his rounds of the room. Even though he is no longer standing next to me his words have left me with much thought. 

Deciding after the conversation I just heard I need something to take the edge off I order a glass of whine. Not enough to even get me a buzz, but enough to relax me. I have a nagging feeling tonight is about to turn into even more of a bumpy ride. 

I don't have to wait long to have my hypothesis proven true. Loud laughter has me focusing on one of the tables. Ryder has a women rubbing all over him and is doing nothing to stop her actions. Not more than a few moments ago he was confessing his love for me to Lucan and now here he is on the arm of another women. I call bullshit. He doesn't love me. Hell maybe he never did. Maybe I was a game to him and the more I fought him the more he wanted me. Then when get got me he realized he didn't want me and since I'm their manager he couldn't just cut me out.

So instead he would show me through his actions he was done with me. This way I would be the one to walk away not him. What an ass taking the easy way out instead of being a man and tell me to my face. 

I down the rest of my whine and order another promising myself this would be the last one. I even force myself to walk away from the bar so I wouldn't be tempted. No one pays me any mind while I meander around the room and why would they when the famous rockers are here. To them I'm a no body. Just like I'm not really part of the so called band family even though they have continuously told me I am.

My heart breaks even more when I watch a women kiss Ryder on the cheek. I catch Lucan's pitying glances and Skylar's sad eyes. Mason and Tray have more than once glanced in my direction with worry. Yes I can clearly see they care, but not enough to clue me in on what is happening. 

After this tour is over I'm out. For my own mental health I'm not going to be able to watch him being with all these different women day in and day out. I have more then enough money to support me while I figure out my next steps. Not to mention all the money I'll get when I sell my condo because no way in hell am I going to continue to live in the same city as him. They are keeping secrets from me now I shall keep one from them. 

hmm any ideas on what happened at the hotel after Skylar and Aubree left? The plot continues to twist and turn. And there are still more twists and turns coming along with a few hills. Buckle up we are in for a bumpy ride. 


My Client the Rockstar (Book 2 Steel Wolf Collection)Where stories live. Discover now