✦・forty eight╭╯

Start from the beginning

"It's true. Night, were you ever attacked by a monster before you met Zia?" Jett asked.

Night thought about it and shook her head. "No."

Jett's lips curved upwards to a small smile of satisfaction. "You see, the monsters started attacking ever since Zia activated her powers."

"But I activated my powers before Zia." Night argued.

"Monsters not attacking you had to do with Stephanie." Night's face darkened.

"Who's Stephanie?" Jungkook asked.

"What does that have to do with her?" Jimin spat angrily.

"A lot actually." Zemira said, a little taken aback by Jimin's tone. "Stephanie used to take care of Night before one day she led Night to believe she was dead. She knew Night would stop using her powers if she believed she had killed Stephanie. But Night killed Stephanie and activated her power again."

Jungkook didn't know Night had to go through that. But he was proud of his friend for staying strong.

"But where did she go then?" Night asked.

"You sent her back to Eroth."


"It's a little tricky to explain." Adaleiz said, scratching the back of her neck. "For now, let's clear your misunderstanding."

"Till now, you know that monsters didn't start attacking Night until after Zia activated her powers. That's because Stephanie was there, and after she disappeared, Night stopped using her powers. And now that Zia activated her powers, it was a threat. That's why those monsters started attacking." Indira explained.

"They were scared that if all of you activate your powers, you will dethrone them." Ahaan said. "That's why they created the monsters, to send them after you guys."

"How did they create monsters?" Namjoon asked.

"In labs."


Slowly, things started making sense for Jin. The story was more complex than they would have thought.

"In labs?" Jungkook echoed.

"Yeah-" Silvius said.

"But-" Jimin tried to speak but Jett cut him off.

"Everyone, just listen to what we have to say. Then you can ask questions. We don't have a lot of time. The other guards are bound to find out about the jailbreak. Especially with Stephanie dead, it makes things more complicated."

"Sorry." Night said.

"Oh no, we are grateful that you killed her. It's just that Stephanie was the General. She would report back to our parents every few hours without fail. So they are bound to grow suspicious." Kaius said. "You see, we have to explain some stuff to you. Then make sure you safely return to Earth and then we have to go back undetected."

Jin hadn't thought about the Royal Children risking their lives to get them out of jail and find a way for them to get back to Earth.

"Why are you helping us? Even if it could get you in trouble?" Jin asked them.

Ixone sighed. "That's a little complicated." She said, a little irritated. "You will get to know as the story continues." She gestured to her friends to continue with where they had left their tale.

"Okay, so these monsters were in labs to come and attack you. Usually the scientists made them look like Earthen mythological monsters so that it wouldn't raise suspicion." Ahaan continued.

"Wait- if this planet wasn't in danger by the monsters, then why were we sent to Earth?" Jimin asked, a frown etched on his face.

Ahaan exchanged a look with the others. "Before you were born, our parents-"

"Your parents?" Night asked.

"Our parents, your parents, all of our parents! The people who are ruling the planet!"

Ahaan's words echoed through the cave. Silence fell like a thick blanket, suffocating them.

Jin's mind was racing too fast. He couldn't think. He didn't know what to think. The people who had given orders to execute them without a second thought were the ones who gave birth to them?

"They ordered for us to get killed!" Taehyung exclaimed. "Why?"

"So before you were born, our parents wanted to try, and make more powerful descendants so that the future of the planet would be in safe hands." Abraxas explained.

"I'm sure you all know about cross breeding, test-tube babies, surrogate mothers. That's what they did. From Earth, they got nine potential Earthen females for their experiments. They then planted the embryos in those human females and waited for them to grow into babies."

"What they didn't realise was the dangers of cross breeding. Earthen humans feel and express more emotions compared to Erothians. So now the babies would also feel and express more emotions. And whenever they felt extreme emotions, it would trigger their powers. This made them immensely powerful."

"So we are just a bunch of lab experiments?" Night chuckled sarcastically.


{A/N}: Lab experiments? What are all the bombs dropping in this chapter? Hopefully the next chapters answers a few of your questions Indigos. 

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.........does anyone even have a favourite part in this chapter?


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