Chapter Fifty

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Two hours later when we got back to the marina, Adrian got off and began securing the mooring ropes with his crew which honestly didn't shock me.

Walking back into the garage I waited by the P1, while Kate and Nico used the Performate.

After a moment Adrian walked into the garage and unlocked the car before lifting the door and getting in.

I then got in too and by the time I had actually buckled my seat Adrian had pulled out of the garage with Nico driving the Huracan.

The twenty minute drive through Monaco was as expected just without as many cars around and I began to wonder what that reason was but also at the same time it was a Friday morning so lots of people were probably getting ready for their jobs while we headed back to Adrian's sky mansion.

Its suiting for his style.

When Adrian pulled up to Odeon Tower he opened the garage and drove down into the private basement of the building to what I will guess is his predetermined spot for the P1.

Getting out of the car, Nico pulled into the garage and parked.

"Time to see what Hunter and Riley broke" Nico says as he closes the door of the car.

"You mean time to see what they will have covered up breaking" Adrian says hitting the button for the elevator.

"You two have very little trust in them" Kate points out.

"There's a good reason for that" I muse thinking of how childish Hunter and Riley were at times.

"And I'm going to school with them next year".

"They have their redeeming qualities" Adrian mutters as the elevator begins to rise.

When the doors opened we all walked out to see Hunter and Riley with glasses of alcohol sitting in the living room and I could see Adrian narrow his eyes at them.

"You two have ten seconds to tell me what you either broke or fucked up before I find it for myself" he says calmly leaning in against the counter of the kitchen.

"Umm... may have had a few drinks and hunter knocked over the black and gold greca vase on the top floor" Riley says ratting his friend out before Hunter hit him.

"I only knocked it over because you threw a pillow at me and I dodged it" Hunter defended.

"Where are the pieces?" Adrian icily says while glaring at his friend.

Swallowing hard producing an audible gulp he points to the hidden trash drawer by Adrian.

Without breaking eye contact Adrian presses on the drawer with his foot before it opened and he looked down into it at the pieces.

"You can buy me a replica, an exact one, to a fault" he says closing the drawer, "also why is it always a fucking vase".

"You have a few I blame that on you" Hunter says.

"There for floral decoration shithead, now where is everyone else?".

"The girls are sleeping still" Riley says.

"Okay, get started on that vase for here, you have the rest of today, tomorrow morning we go back to New York" Adrian states before walking away towards the stairs.

The almost suffocating power that had filled the room from Adrian's presence cleared and I watched as Hunter and Riley set down their glasses of wine before walking to the elevator to go get a copy of the vase they had broken.

I then walked to the side of the living room and looked out over Monaco, and for once clouds blanketed the sky letting gentle rain fall over the city.

"Looking over your domain" Ava asks and I turn to see Ava and Mia come down the stairs.

I let out a laugh and turn to them.

"I wouldn't want to be Monaco Royalty, even though it would be amazing to wake up to this view every morning" I say.

"You're also now known as the girlfriend of Adrian Winters there was one article posted" Mia says.

"Adrian probably made sure there was only one" I mutter.


"But what should we do?" Mia asks, "looking out a window will get boring eventually".

I laugh again, nodding subconsciously.

"There's a million things to do in this place" I point out.

"Competitive game of Uno" Ava suggests.

"I'm joining you" Kate says coming out of the hallway that led to her bedroom.

"Alright, where should we play it".

"Reading room Adrian won't admit it but he has giant bean bags on the second floor, I found them the other night" Kate says leading us upstairs to the room, which had four cloth covered bean bags that required all of us to pull out all four.

"These are like a hundred pounds each" I laugh.

"At least there comfy" Ava says lying on the one she pulled out.

After we all sat down on one in various ways, we shuffled the four decks of cards and combined them before getting our seven cards.

Kate then laughed and showed me her cards discretely before I showed her mine which were almost all pick +2's.

"You're all fucked" Kate muttered as Mia put down a blue five.

As we played Ava ended up with most of the deck before managing to get rid of half in a well choreographed placement of her cards, I also ended up making Mia pick up six at one point simply because I didn't want the cards anymore and was determined to win.

"Uno" Kate says, and I place down three skip turns before placing my final card which was a red four.

"She must be absorbing Adrian's luck I've never seen someone win that fast" Ava says.

"I'd say it's just chance" I muse, "watch next game I'll do not as good".

So another hand was dealt and Kate won, then another and Mia, then another and I won a second time and after that it turned into a full competition of who could get three wins first which did end up being me though we all were even for the final round.

"That was close" Adrian says from behind me, and we all turn to see him in the doorway watching.

"You're like a villain hiding somewhere watching everything" Kate muses.

"I was being polite and not wanting to be distracting but I suppose that works too".

"Suppose so formal".

"I spent to much time in Switzerland" Adrian mutters walking into a brighter section of the room, and sitting down on the couch.

"Six years" Kate says a little harshly which would be one of the only times I've heard Kate talk like that.

Apparently they were closer siblings then it seemed.

"Trust me Kate I wish I had been there for more of your young life because I don't exactly feel good coming home after nearly half your life and going hey I'm back now, only for me to become your guardian a month later and the year after you go to Los Angeles" Adrian says as if in a reverie.

"You at least came to see me and vice versa every chance we got".

"Yes we did, the best part is that my sister now is coming home to NYC".

"Permanently, now" Kate adds, and I saw Adrian smile slightly.

I guess me and Adrian won't be the only couple of the group in the Hamptons now.
I can't believe I've done over a hundred consecutive updates on this book series so I really do appreciate the support you all give, also comment, vote, share. Anyways


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