Chapter Twenty Seven

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Pulling up to the hospital I unlocked my door before hopping out before Kate had even stopped and rushed inside the twin towered Hospital, which was actually one of the one's owned by Winters Group as I suspected.

Walking into the foyer I was greeted by the smell of tea tree, along with the white walls, and black flooring.

Spotting the desk I rush over to it where a slightly confused Nurse is sitting.

"Hi my boyfriend Adrian Winters was brought to this hospital what room is he in?".

"Miss I can only release that information to family" the nurse says before Kate, Mia, and Ava all walk into the hospital.

"Olivia what room is my brother in" Kate calls over to me.

"Room one-twenty, floor ten, tower one" the nurse says, and we all rush to an elevator, before slipping inside, and heading up the elevator to what is technically the still the ER and ICU level but I'm also sure the hospital is thirty floors tall in one tower and twenty in the other.

As the car stopped I was the first to step out before heading to one of the desks.

"Which way is room one-twenty?" I ask as calmly as I can but I'm scared to see what state Adrian is, he got in a car accident and the reason there's only so many Carrera GT's is because they get totalled in crashes.

"To the left" the young woman who was behind the desk says with a small smile, before I'm off again to find Adrian.

"One-forty-four, one-forty-two, one-forty..." I mutter walking along the lines of rooms.

Why the fuck are there so many rooms in this hospital?

"One-twenty" I say letting out a sigh before pushing open the frosted glass door, to see the stereotypical white room, with the fixed panel ceiling that held the light fixture.

"Hey bellissima" Adrian says from the bed in which he lay with a vitamin drip hooked into his arm.

"Hi Adrian" I say before I notice the room is unoccupied by the boys, "where's everyone else".

"This Hospital has rooms for people to stay in I believe it's the top two floors of hospital in this tower".

"We'll go see the boys, and leave you two be" Kate says placing a hand on my shoulder and for a split second I feel like a child being consoled by their mother.

"Also Adrian, it's good to see you in one piece, and keep this one, she didn't even let me park before bailing out of the vehicle" Kate says gesturing to me.

"Trust me I want her to be here for a long time" Adrian says moving so he can sit up.

"Even bed ridden you're romantic".

"No just honest, also I get to leave tomorrow morning I just have to stay for tonight".

"I'll stay here tonight, not like I can see anyone going home anytime soon".

"True, I wish they could take this fucking thing out of my arm though" Adrian mutters.

"You have to wait until the bag is empty, and you have to be given a clean bill of health" I say sitting down on the bad.

"I know that Livi".

"Stop being such a baby" I muse.

"I am far from a baby, I have the highest pain tolerance in the group, and I want some Tylenol, and Robax, so I don't have a headache, and my ribs don't hurt" Adrian says with his trademark smirk.

"What even happened?" I ask.

"I was driving home after messaging you, and everything was all good nothing was going wrong until I see this person on their phone lose control and the person in front of me didn't have time to react, so I slammed my car into the hood of the swerving car to stop the accident and totalled my Carrera GT, and the other driver just has a damaged hood I purposely got side swiped to stop an accident" Adrian says.

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