Chapter Twenty

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Adrian Winters

After swapping out of the riding boots and back into my shoes, same as Olivia, we pushed open the barn door only to see that it was pouring rain.

How can it be dense fog and change to rain in three hours?

"Well we either walk and get soaked, or run and get soaked" I muse.

"You're probably going to walk" Olivia says.

"Yes I am" I say stepping out into the rain followed by Olivia before I shut the barn and locked it.

I then walked away from it catching up to Olivia who had her hair pulled down flat from the water in her hair, though I doubted I look any different.

Stepping inside after a moment, I removed my soaked shoes and dumped the water outside before putting them over a heat vent. I also took off my socks before walking to the laundry room and taking my clothes off and putting them in the dryer.

Walking out of the laundry room I went to my bedroom, and changed into duplicate of what I wore this morning.

After an few minutes Olivia walks into the bedroom likely to do exactly what I just did.

I then walked into the bathroom, to redo my hair as it had been flattened by the rain which pounded against the windows and skylights.

"Adrian I have a question" Olivia says walking into the bathroom to get a brush.

"Yes Olivia".

"What did you look like when you were younger?".

I smirk and look over at her.

"Exactly how long ago?" I muse.

"From a year or two ago".

Walking out of the bathroom and over to my phone I opened my gallery, and found a picture from when I appeared in a private photoshoot for future second generation billionaire CEO's.

"Here's what I looked like Livi, I was fifteen" I say handing her my phone.

"Damn Adrian, if only I got my scholarship a year earlier".

"You would have dealt with me when I was sad and miserable which was at least once a day" I say remembering how I had taken my parents deaths.

"When did you move to Brooklyn Heights?".

"After Winter Break, I stayed there for four months, then I had to testify in court, because of what I did" I say.

"I mean at least you were good looking, I wore shit tons of fountain because I had bruises and things on my body from Demetri".

"What about you, what did you look like two years ago bellissima?".

Olivia let out a sigh, before pulling out her phone.

"Alright here you go" she says handing me her phone and looking down I simply go wide eyed.

I can tell it's her, same heart shaped face and grey green eyes, she just looks younger but its definitively her.

"You still look beautiful Olivia" I say handing her phone back.

"Of course I do, Adrian", smirking I just shake my head and walk out over to her.

"Except how confident are you really?" I pry with a sly smirk.

"Adrian" she warns, and I can see her eyes dilating.

"Bellissima" I reply making my voice slightly deeper letting my British accent come out.

"Why does your British accent have to be attractive" Olivia mutters and I just smirk.

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