Chapter Thirteen

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Olivia Thorne

Two hours later we all sat out by the beach with a fire blazing on the sand with rocks lining the edge of the pit that the boys had dug to house the now flaming wood that lit up the surrounding area occasionally spitting sparks into the air.

Riley and Hunter sat drinking beer while Nico was lying on the chair  with Kate resting against him.

Ava was wrapped in a blanket, Mia lay near the fire attempting to dry off as we all had gone swimming earlier and she chose to dive under the water.

Adrian being Adrian was using a charcoal brisket to cook us all dinner, which was unsurprisingly smelling really good.

"Adrian you want the last beer?" Hunter asked lifting the final bottle.

"No I refuse to drink it" he replies.

"Then how do you know you won't like it?" Riley asks.

"Because alcohol tastes the same as it smells" Adrian says, "plus I don't drink often, the last time was that party a week ago".

"How many times have you drank in the past year?" Hunter asks.

"Eight" he says.

"So like once every month just about" Kate says.

"I don't particularly like to" Adrian says, "besides I've done it mostly out of stress, and it's not a good habit".

"Okay your past year has been stressful you had a lot of shit go on".

"Yeah I did, I'll go back to having water and coffee as a go to drink, it's better for me anyway, and I won't have beer belly at twenty-two like Hunter" he says flipping what look like hamburger patties, while we all laugh at Hunter's shocked expression.

"I'm being abused" Hunter defends.

"It's true though you probably will" Mia says.

"Even your girlfriend agrees" Riley says pointing to Mia.

"I'm being fucking ganged up on".

"Anyone else unable to find the fuck they give" Adrian asks looking up from the food he was making.

Slowly one by one we all raise our hands ending with Riley.

"You're supposed to be my friend" Hunter says looking at Riley.

"Not right now" Riley beams.

"That's tough" Adrian quips, putting the hot dogs on.

"Well if you're not my friend right now, come here you traitor" Hunter says lurching forward to chase Riley who was up and gone with the two running around the circle.

"If you two don't stop right now I'll drop both of you in the middle of the ocean attached to a buoy" Adrian say giving them both threatening glares that I'm pretty sure would make hard criminals cower.

"Exactly how far is the middle?" Riley asks.

Nico scoffs.

"Two hundred miles off shore, if I know my brother" Kate says.

"Thanks Kate".

"Okay please don't, I'll do anything" Riley says.

"Anything?" Adrian muses.

If there was a deal with the devil here it was.

"I have something in mind but you will have to wait a few days".

"Can we at least know when it will be?" Hunter pleads.

"You'll find out later" Adrian says sliding two burgers and a hot dog on his plate.

The Billionaire Summerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें