Chapter Thirty Eight

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That afternoon back in Milan Adrian had claimed to be having a terrible headache, likely a tension one he gets them every once in a while, and even with his good pain tolerance he says his head feels like it's going to burst so I told him to stay where he was and had gone out to get two things he had requested, Tylenol and a peanut butter O'Henry.

Pulling back up to the hotel, and thanking Adrian in my head for letting me drive one of his SLR's when he owned them. I park the car, and get out, before locking the door, and heading inside.

As I got to the elevator, I hit the top floor, and was carried up.

When I stepped off the elevator I nearly ran into a blonde girl who was roughly my height, with the prettiest hazel eyes I'd ever seen.

"I'm so sorry for almost running into you" I say stopping to make sure she was okay which she seemed to be.

She looks like she could be one of the rich people of Milan especially with the Chanel bag.

"Almost, it's alright I won't stop you from where you're going" she says.

"Again I apologize" I say before walking away wondering why she didn't get upset at me, but then I remembered I'm wearing the cashmere wool bespoke coat Adrian got me and the red bottom heels I've gotten used to walking in but then again I had to learn to walk quickly quite literally because of Adrian's long strides.

I probably look like a millionaire even if I'm technically not.

Eventually getting to the door of our suite, I walk in and put my bag down on the table along with the keys, before taking my shoes and coat off.

"Hey Livi" Adrian says from the bed that he is laying in.

"Hi, how's the headache?".

As a response he gave me a blank look and I did my best not to mentally call myself an idiot.

"Here's your Tylenol and O'Henry".

"How did I get so lucky, thank you".

"You're welcome" I say sitting down on the bed, and I then think about how Adrian only really let's his vulnerable side out around me, every other time it comes out in anger and his bad habit of stress drinking, the latter being something I can tell he wants to stop, and has done good with doing so.

"Your thoughts are pretty loud" Adrian muses swallowing one of the red pills with a sip of water.

"I'm thinking about how you're more vulnerable and carefree around me then you are in public".

"Its mostly based off of perception, I remain stoic and cold in public because it's truly how I am but with you, the gentle caring side of me comes out, you know that".

"I'm just used to you being caring I guess".

"You never have to not get used to it, besides you know my sides and accepted all of them which I'm grateful for".

"I know, you said they were something you were afraid would push people away".

"Hense why I act a certain way, I'm Adrian Winters the Devil Of New York, people expect me to act cold".

"At least I know who you are in whole, now is there anything else you need me to do".

"No, I was curious of what you wanted to do?".

"I seriously have no plan for today, besides tomorrow is our last full day in Milan".

"Yeah it is, we should go out tomorrow night, we've seen Milan in the day but not the night life" I suggest.

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