Chapter Fourteen

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Olivia Thorne

Waking up the next morning I was shaken lightly.

Deeply inhaling from the surprise of unwillingly being woken up I see Adrian fully dressed in black pants and a half sleeved black dress shirt, along with his sunglasses mounted on his hair.

"Olivia wake up, or I'll carry you" Adrian says.

"I'll go with option two" I say smiling at him and he just smirks and shakes his head.

"Alright then but you are showering first I'll do the rest" Adrian says lifting me like I'm a feather and carrying me to the bathroom.

After I shower and walked out of the bathroom and over to the bed.

"You said you'd do the rest" I muse and in typical Adrian style he just smirks and walks away when he came out he held my clothes and set them on the bed before I put on the thick white blouse before swapping regular leggings for the shiny black high waisted ones I bought yesterday at Saint Laurent, before Adrian emerged with my makeup.

"If you know how to actually use makeup I wouldn't be surprised but it would definitely be a first".

"Well then hold still" Adrian says as he begins applying each piece of my makeup both perfectly and using everything correctly.

"I'm kind of surprised you don't have beauty rooms in your homes down here".

"The vanity in your closet in the Hamptons was custom made by my designer, who I rarely see" Adrian says finishing with my lipstick and bronzer, "please close your eyes".

I follow his instruction and I can feel him doing my eyeshadow.

When did he learn to do this?

"Why don't you see your designer often?".

"Because she and her team live in Milan, and it took them two weeks to design it, a month and a half to make it, and a week to get here because it had to go through a ton of inspections, before it was flown in by private jet and delivered".

"You delivered my vanity by private jet?".

"Yeah and I got an Apache helicopter to drop it off" he says and I know the last one is a joke.

"We should go to Milan" I say, as he finishes with my right eye.

Opening the finished eye I can see Adrian completely focused on doing the left eye.

"Would you want to go this summer?" he asks tilting his head down as he changes brushes.

"Only if you want but I'd love to go to Milan" I say before he pulls the brush away and gets my eyeliner.

"I'll take you for a week in August" he says as he cautiously applies it on both eyes.

"Yay, also one question".

"Go for it" Adrian says getting to my mascara.

"How did you learn to do makeup".

"Kate couldn't live alone for a year and didn't know how to do hers so I learned and then taught her" Adrian says, "I also see no reason why I can't know how it works".

I laugh, "does that mean if I get makeup as a gift from you it will be good quality because you'll know which brands are good for certain types of makeup".

"Yes, but I won't because I know your vanity cabinet is stocked already, and came with Hermes beauty bags to carry your favourite makeup with you no matter where you go".

"I was joking but I didn't know they came with beauty bags" I say as he does the final touches of my makeup and carries it back to the bathroom.

"They do, I thought it would be nice besides it means you'll just have to pack one thing instead of a whole suitcase" he says reorganizing my small collection of items in a padded drawer.

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