Chapter Thirty Six

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Olivia and I sat in the SLR on our way to Lake Como thirty miles north of Milan.

As we drove we got to see some of the landscape of Italy.

It always intrigued me how so much area could be used for wineries, and there was hundreds across the country.

"What is diving like, I'm assuming you've done it before?" Olivia asks.

"It's kind of surreal being underwater, and being able to move freely, but it's really fun".

"Any homes in Como?" Olivia prys with a coy smile.

"No, but it would be kind of cool to live in a villa with a view of the whole lake" I say making a turn.

"What would you even put there?".

"Gallardo's, maybe an old Ferrari or two, some Bentleys, good to go" I muse.

"You like Ferrari's a lot".

"There one of my favourite brands, also I think their beautiful, that's why I own more Ferrari's then Lamborghini's".

"What classic Ferrari would you want".

"One of the two-fifty range, I think they are stunning cars, but the Monza Speedster cars I want to own a pair of those" I say.

"Wasn't it the 250 GTO the car that went for like seventy million dollars".

"Yes it was, there also collector cars, though if I owned one I'd take it out ever once in a while".

"I don't doubt that".

I just smirk at her comment, and make another turn before ending up within view of Como as we neared the city.

Suddenly my phone starts ringing, and I glance down to see it's Hunter.

"Could you hit accept please Livi" I request before slowing down as I entered a residential area.

Olivia then hits the green button and Hunters voice comes through my phone's speakers.

"Hey Adrian" Hunter says.

"How's a goin" I say.

"Good me and the boys are back in New York, Nico and Kate convinced me to phone to tell you we made it home safe".

"Well I'm glad your all alive, also why is Kate in New York, is she coming to Monaco too?" I ask.

"Yeah I guess, what are you and Olivia up to today?".

"We're going diving in Como Lake" I say.

"Well at least the Italians will get to see at least one of you look good in a bathing suit".

"You're dating Nico's sister calm down Ambrose, also I'm going to hit you in the back of the head when I see you next" I muse.

"On it!" I hear Riley call in the background followed by a resonant smack.

"Ouch that fucking hurt".

"Good" I hear Olivia mutter, and I smirk.

"Guys we won't just have a devil when school starts Olivia's turning into the devil as well".

"There is a queen of hell, I won't say her name, as you're not supposed to say the names of devils or demons".

"Does that mean we have to refer to you in third person?" Riley asks.

"No you idiot" I say bitterly while rolling my eyes.

I can hear the light laughter on the other end of the phone, and I attempt to imagine everyone on the other side of the phone.

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