Chapter Thirty Four

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The next morning back in Milan I woke up before Olivia and pulled on comfy clothes to go for a run, and made my hair not look like I just woke up.

Slipping on shoes, I opened the door and zipped the key card in my comfy pants, and walked out of the suite.

When I got outside, I decided I'd go to the Milan Cathedral and back.

Early morning Milan was peaceful with very few people out on the streets, I liked it how nothing was really going on and there weren't many people out.

On the way back that wasn't the case, what should have taken me fifteen minutes took me half an hour because there were so many people and cars heading to work.

As I walked up the steps of the Excelsior I headed towards the elevator, and hit the top floor.

When the doors opened I stepped out and turned down towards where my suite was at the very end of the hallway.

As I got to the door, I unlocked the door before going inside, to find Olivia sitting in the living room area already fully dressed and showered.

"Good morning beautiful" I say walking into the living room.

"Good morning, how was your run?" Olivia asks.

"Longer then I would have liked but oh well, I need a shower, and then we should figure out what we want to do today".

"I would like to go back to that mall where we had breakfast yesterday" Olivia says.

"The Milano Galleria, sure" I say walking backwards before turning and walking into the bathroom.

I quickly undress and get into the shower, and washing off the sweat from my run, and what I likely accumulated from yesterday.

Getting out half an hour later I dry off except for my hair and go get dressed in a grey T-shirt, faded black jeans, and a light olive green denim jacket.

"Off to steal your bitch" Olivia muses as I walk past the space between the sleeping area and the hallway to leave the room.

Laughing I glance over at her, "I don't need anyone besides you though", I say as I re-enter the bathroom, to do my hair.

"You've seen the looks you get in school right".

"I did until you showed up, then they stopped" I call from the bathroom as I press dry my hair and comb it into shape.

"That's because I've told people to keep their desire off of my boyfriend" she replies as I walk out of the bathroom.

"And I glare at any guy who looks at you with lust so I guess we're both a little defensive" I muse.

"What is it that you said the one day you don't like sharing what's yours" Olivia says standing and it's only then I realize that we're matching, along with the fact that she's wearing those damn round glasses that make her look more attractive.

"You're going to kill me from making my heart stop at how gorgeous you are" I say taking her hands and pulling her to me.

"Ok Mr. tall dark and handsome".

I smirk down at her and letting out a light laugh, "you know I realize why people see you as Thornbrook's queen".

"Why's that".

"Because we share several similar traits, including not taking shit from people, also from the moment you walk into rooms you've drawn attention, regardless if any of the group is around you, you proved yourself to the world of the elite".

"I better hope I did, I go to school with the USA's one percent".

I just smirk at that comment".

"I think you did, also you wanted to go shopping so we should do that" I say picking up the key off the table in the living room.

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