Vol 3 Chapter 1.3

Start from the beginning

"I like clingy women and all but that bitch needs to put a sock over it. You owe me one sensei..." I give out an exasperated sigh before slowly walking back to the class while some of the students watch as Hoshinomiya-sensei's body floats unconsciously in the middle of the ocean while some suited men goes over to save her from drowning.

"I will be sure to treat you to that dinner. Now I shall take my leave so you kids can get to business. Don't disappoint me now."

With those last parting words, before suddenly turning back as if she nearly forgot something.

"I nearly forgot thanks to Hoshinomiya. There are some additional rules that aren't very well explained in the manual book."

"A-additional information? The stuff in the manual is already so much to take in.."

"Soon you will be permitted to roam about freely, but there are several
designated ‘spots’ on the island. In these spots, there is what’s referred to as
right of exclusive possession, and only the class that occupies that spot may
exercise those rights. The class that obtains those rights is entirely free to
determine how they wish to exercise them. However, rights of exclusive
possession are only valid for a period of eight hours after being invoked, after which they are automatically revoked. That means that another class can
acquire those rights at that time. Also, you gain one bonus point if you
occupy a spot once. However, that point is provisional, and cannot be used
during the testing period. Therefore, bonus points are calculated and added to your total after the test has ended. Because the school is constantly
monitoring you, there is no room for fraud. Please be aware of that fact."

"But isn't that super important?! Getting to add a point is awesome! Let's get to finding those spots right away!"

I understand the risks of this but it's best to be impatient, we don't have all day after all. The manual may have not given us a full run down, but there are bonus information about these bonus points.

It's for sure hard to understand, but a little reading a couple times never hurt anyone. I sure as hell have that kind of patience for being an incredibly fast reader. I could finish a novel in two days flat without sleep if I wanted to, after those two days I would likely go into hibernation for another few days though.

As I'm thinking here, Chabashira-sensei  marks off the portable toilet as 20 points instead of thirty since so many classes requested it. This I suppose I've only spent about 40 points which leaves us at 260, that was a great bargain. That's her last job before walking off and leaving us to our shit.

"So what's the plan?" Horikita asks me while being at my side along with Masaki.

"Change of plans then, I was initially thinking on heading into the island wilderness as a full class but I think it's better to form into groups so we could cover more track." The watch has a certain option to make a call with one of your classmates, this makes things easier when it comes down to grouping back in a single area.

I shouldn't force them to spread out immediately, so I'll tell some of them to stay here while I and some others go out to search for land to lay refuge in.

"Anyone who's willing to go searching for a place to settle, raise your hand." About 24 of the students raise their hands at my request. Good, I can make a perfect split with this.

"Alright then, we'll form into groups of 6 each having their own leader. Each group will have four people so do what you will, oh and Koenji?"

"Hmm? What is it, Sugihara-boy?"

"If you leave this island on us, once we return back to the boat I'll be sure to knock your ass out in a head on fist fight." Koenji laughs this as if he knew it was going to happen.

I figured if I didn't tell him off, he'll go swimming back to the cruise ship by himself without my permission. That'll be a decrease in our points so it's best if I warn him before things get ugly.

"Now that everything's dealt with, any questions on your jobs?"

"Yes, Sugihara." Yukimura raises his hand as he slid his glasses above his nose.

"I'm not convinced that we ought to arbitrarily spend our points, whether it'd be boys or girls. It's not like I don't understand how the girls feel, but as the snartest in the class wouldn't you say it's better to not spend our points on a temporary toilet?"

"Huh? You wanted to ask that? Well I guess I can answer that. Answer me this Yukimura, what would happen if the girls eventually can't handle using a fucking cardboard toilet anymore?"

"Hmm....I don't know."

"Eh? I thought you were smart...we'll only academically then. Anyway, the girls will likely break out into a riot due to the lack of a toilet of all things, it'd be one thing if our class only consisted of boys but you have to consider what the women want as well. If not then it's likely they're go against and might even assist other classes, that'll definitely destroy our class in mere days."

"I-I see....."

"You're still young, but please consider the feelings of others before you speak Yukimura. No other questions I assume? Well get to working then, I'll be taking Sakura, Ayanokouji and Masaki while you guys pick whoever else you want."

The three people I call out come with me as I enter the wilderness of the island, leaving the rest of my class behind as Hirata begins to talk through with them.

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