94. Interrogation

Start from the beginning

Anon: "...Huh...a rather fair point. Whoever she is, can you and Joe get back to the DedSec hideout?"

Emmet: "We're on our way."

Anon: "Very well then, see you."

The call ends and Anon walks over to Erin and taps her shoulder, interrupting her as she speaks with Zoisite.

Erin: "Hm?"

Anon: "Sorry to interrupt, Erin. Emmet and Joe found someone they say that can break Zoisite."

Erin: "What? Where is this person?"

Anon: "On her way. Let's get Zoisite up."

Erin nods and she and Anon head to the cell's doors and they open it up with Anon grabbing Zoisite by her arm and he draws out his baton with his right hand and he uses his left arm to hold Zoisite and they proceed to take her upstairs and outside the pub to wait for Emmet and Joe to arrive with the mystery person. Upon the surface, Zoisite is untied but is kept an eye on by a riot drone which is given to him by Althea.

Anon: "I forgot I had that Riot Drone."

Erin: "I was wondering if you'd remember."

Anon: "Heh, I guess we both think of something similar every day."

Erin giggles and she wraps an arm around Anon and they see a black cab pull up in front of the pub and there, Joe is at the wheel with Emmet sitting next to him.

Emmet: "Right, bring her in."

Anon: "Sure thing. Are you sure she can be trusted? Just making sure again."

Emmet: "Trust me, she would've killed us if she can't."

Anon and Erin both grab Zoisite and Anon's drone lands on the ground and turns itself off and the cab's doors open and a gem there dressed casually grabs Zoisite and brings her in with Zoisite recognizing her.

Zoisite: "Wh-Lucia?! You bloody traitor! I trusted you!"

Erin: "You know her?"

Lucia: "Long story you 2. Anyway, I'll send you whatever Zoisite said to Bagley."

The cab's doors close and it drives away and Erin and Anon return to the hideout with Anon carrying his drone. Back on the road, the cab drives down the borough of Westminster and into the borough of Camden. They then drive near Camden Black Market and there, Lucia tells Emmet to stop the car.

Emmet: "This is it? We're just outside the market, if they see us, we're f'ed."

Lucia: "Cover your faces, use your hoods. We're taking her to the garage over here."

Joe lowers the brim of his cap to cover his eyes and he puts on his hood. Emmet puts the hood over his face and he cracks his neck and puts on a bandana over his mouth & nose. Joe does the same thing.

 Joe does the same thing

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