During her stay, she had trained herself to comprehend his statements. She was convinced that Ranbir's language was far from being understood by any normal human being. And that was the way he communicated - with underlying meanings period. That's how he expressed his concern. At least she hoped.

"I am not going to an abandoned land." - He retorted.

"What makes you say it?"

"Your mindless expressions are enough to convince me. Now spit it out."

"Really, it's nothing."

"Last warning." - Prachi let out a frustrated sigh and shut her eyes for a moment. How in the world does he always know about my thought process?

"Okay, this might sound idiotic to you but, I was concerned about you going for a one day journey. And I have been upset because I know that this journey has some dangerous elements attached to it and despite that you don't wish for anyone to know about that. I just wanted to be sure that you will be safe and that you will come back." - Prachi concluded.

"You'll know, whenever I'll be back. Maybe tonight or tomorrow or not at all." - He mumbled casually.

"What did you just say?" - She questioned him wide-eyed.

"But, that shouldn't be of your concern."

"That's all you have to say to me?"

"Yes. Because I don't want you to go hysterical about my safety." - Without a second thought she removed the locket around her neck.

"I'm going for a personal matter, not to pledge my soul."

"It's a matter of faith that He will protect you." - Prachi responded sternly.

"That 'He' has never been around me, and never will be; so don't waste your time or mine." - He concluded with mild agitation.

"You can trust me at least."

"I don't trust you, not even a bit. And neither do I want you to ignite my faith in some invisible entity who doesn't even exist in the first place."

"This means what?" - Prachi glared at him.

"This means that your constant and illogical concern suffocates me!!"

"Well, that settles our scores then."- Prachi replied, while getting up from her spot. "Thank you for reminding me what sort of a fool I am; again and again." - He shut his eyes in annoyance.

"Are you seriously going to brood over something as senseless as this, especially when I am about to leave?"

"Why do you even ask? Will my brooding over the subject as 'senseless' as this, adversely affect your peaceful journey?'' - Ranbir let out a frustrated sigh.

"Like I care. Just forget it!"

"I apologize if you feel agitated because of my questions or if I make you feel threatened in any way. But, in my part of the world, It's called being empathetic towards people; a concept that is as non-existent in your life as my existence for you in this house. As an ending note, I had no wish to melt in your arms. It was an accident. I also want to wish you a safe journey and a safe return - just a kind wish from a house guest to the host." - At that point, Ranbir looked at her with guilt-stricken eyes till she had fully climbed the stairs and closed the bedroom door, hence leaving him alone in absolute silence.


Clutching the steering wheel as firmly as possible, Ranbir tried hard to concentrate on the road. With multiple thoughts bombarding over him, he unwillingly continued his journey. Despite his resistance to take anyone with him, Raghuveer had sent two security vehicles following him through - which of course he hated; his constant fears regarding Ved and most of all, an ailing girl whom he had left behind. It was unusual for her to show no retaliation, no argumentative behavior in terms of him. However, this time, all that he could sense in her words was emotional numbness.

In Love with Devil - A Prachi-Ranbir Fan Fiction #IndianWhere stories live. Discover now