Chapter 54: family Reunion

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"Are you sure we should be here?" Toga asked making sure her mask was over her face.

"I got a phone call and it sounded exactly like Izuku," Dabi replied to her doing the same.

"It could be a trap."

"Shigiraki has been looking for Izuku for the past couple weeks. And seeing if this is him, I'll take my chances of getting arrested," Dabi said walking towards the house in ground of them.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Toga said crossing her arms.

As they walked towards the front door, it opened and revealed Aizawa. Dabi and Toga's eyes widened and were about to jet.

"Finally you two get here. Izuku's been expecting you," he said welcoming the villains in.

"Why can't he come to us?" Dabi asked the pro hero from a far.

Aizawa let out a sigh. "For my family's own safety. I have a husband and a little girl to take care of I don't need a villain that he don't trust seeing him here and hurting my family in the process."

Dabi walked over to the door and Toga slowly followed.

As soon as the two of them got into the house Aizawa shut the door.

"Kid, they're here!" He called out.

Izuku came out of his room that he had been staying in with a large hoodie and sweatpants.

Toga and Dabi's eyes lite up when they saw his curly green hair.

"Zuzu?" Toga asked.

"I'm back," he smiled as he ran to the two and they formed a large hug.

"No running in the house!" Hizashi yelled at the teen walking with Eri to where the group was.

Izuku didn't care. He had his true family back. The ones who should never betray him.

"How?" Toga asked still hugging him.

"Eri's quirk. She rewinded me till the effects of the quirk were gone," he replied.

They broke away from the hug but Izuku noticed the confused face on Dabi.

"Dabi, why the face?" He asked. Dabi removed the masked and sighed in annoyance seeing Izuku being observant.

"I'm curious who can up with the idea. It's not like your brain thought about it while you were still Breach."

"That would be me," Todoroki called out walking out of Izuku's room.

Toga gasped seeing the half and half boy walked into their reunion.

"Izu, does he know?" She asked.

"No and I'm not making that call," he whispered to her.

"Thank you for being his true friends," Todoroki bowed once he was behind his boyfriend.

"Toga, Dabi, this is my boyfriend Shoto Todoroki," he introduced but was honestly not needed.

Dabi just rolled his eyes. He still didn't like the family he had left.

"Dabi, at least try to be nice to him," Izuku told him.

"Fine! But I'm not sharing any secrets with him!" He raised his voice slightly.

"Mr. Aizawa, is it okay if we have a movie day in my room? I promise we will stay out of trouble," Izuku asked.

"Just don't make a ruckus."

Izuku and Toga smiled and each grabbed a Todoroki. Izuku lead the way to the room while Toga followed.

They shut the door and turned on the tv for noise.

"Did you say that just to get out of there?" Dabi asked.

"Duh. I love our movie days but why would I watch movies all day when you can tell me how much Shigi is freaking out," Izuku laughed.

"Why am I here then?" Todoroki asked feeling like the odd one out.

"Sho, you need to learn that this is still a side of me. You want the brat but it also comes with them," he kissed Shoto's cheek.

"I'm still jealous of him," Toga pouted.

"You never had a chance," he teased in return. Toga and Dabi just giggled at the short interaction. "Okay now spill!"

Toga glanced over to Dabi which he just shrugged his shoulders.

Toga just smiled and turned to Izuku.

"After me and Twice got back to the league with no you and no items relating to you know what, Shigi was pissed!"

"I'm pretty sure he broke 10 glasses in ten minutes," Dabi added.

"Kuroguri was not happy! Anyway, he started to watch news reports and started to go out to try and find you but he had no luck, obviously."

"Me and Toga kind of separated ourselves. He was making the leave go on crazy missions that would definitely get them arrested. It's been all over the news."

Izuku looked down to his feet. "I didn't watch the news while I was here. I was still mentally battling myself."

Dabi and Toga just nodded.

"So what's the plan now?" Todoroki asked.

"Get Shigiraki arrested. The rest of the league isn't bad but if he's still out there, then bad things will always follow," Izuku said.

"I agree. The man is psycho. He abused the hell out of you, which is technically illegal," Dabi said.

"I agree with what he said in the second part. I've seen that bruise months back. That wasn't from a fall   I know abuse marks when I see them," Todoroki added on.

"Fine. Then what about you two?" Izuku asked. "I don't want nothing to happen to the two of you."

"Leave that to me," Aizawa said opening the door.

"Mr. Aizawa, I thought you were spending time with Eri and Hizashi."

"There's two villains in my house. Let me be a little on edge, but if they can confess and show some sign of good, I can put in a word to Nezu to let them enroll in a special class I've been planning out."

Dabi and Toga looked to each other. "So we won't be arrested?" She asked making sure on everything.

"I'll be there to back you two up. Under my watch you won't be, but you just need to follow my rules."

"Done! Deal! If Zuzu can do it then so can I!" Toga jumped up.

"You have way to much energy," Dabi said complaining about Toga. "But it's a packaged deal so I guess I'm in."

Izuku just smiled. The three now ex-villains gave the address to the league's hideout.


Night time feel and Todoroki was still in Izuku's room. Toga and Dabi went stay in a different guest room for the time being. Aizawa had a surprisingly large home.

Todoroki and Izuku were cuddling while watching a movie together.

Something cam across Izuku's mind but he was a little uneasy to share it. Todoroki noticed Izuku's breathing become unsteady causing him to concern.

"Izu, what's wrong?" He asked pushing Izuku's hair behind his ear.

Izuku let out a breath and looked away. "I want to see my father. He should know what's going to happen to the league because of him. He is the one who made me into that person and he's the one who placed expectations on us."

Todoroki gently hugged him tighter.

"You know that's not a question for me."

"I know. I need to ask Aizawa, but can you put in a good word?" He asked with pleading eyes.

Todoroki just smiled. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too."

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