Chapter 19: sports festival

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Time pasted and the program was back live.

"Welcome back and welcome to the third and final round of this year's sports festival!" Present Mic screamed into his microphone.

Izuku shoved the ham sandwich he was eating in his mouth. He took a quick sip of his water and brought his attention full back to the computer monitor.

"For the final round, students will go 1 v 1. To win, they have to knock there opponent out of bounds, or their opponent isn't able to continue on in the match. Here is the bracket."

Izuku wrote down all the names he saw, making sure not to leave a single person out.

Izuku watched each and every single fight, making sure to write key points about each person.

Thankfully, the finals had mostly Class 1-A students. He knew about their abilities already.

There was one student who had made his way to the finals that peaked Izuku's interest.

The boy had purple hair and noticeable eye bags underneath his purple eyes.

"Shinso. You're a general studies kid. You're a huge mystery to me," Izuku spoke watching him go up on the battle grounds.

The battle started, but the two students didn't move.

"So, your quirk is basically you having a tail, right?" Shinso spoke.

"Yes. Now are you-" his opponent spoke, but suddenly stopped.

Izuku noticed the small smile grow on Shinso's face.

"Now, be a good monkey and walk out of bounds."

Izuku watched as the other boy did as he was told and walked out of bounds.

"He must have some kind of brainwashing quirk. He can be useful here but I don't want to deal with him. He seems difficult."

Izuku wrote an x near Shinso's name.

The 1 v 1 battles continued to go on.

As it grew closer to the finals, he couldn't help but grow interest in two people. Two people who he thought he could turn them into a villain but twisting their minds; Todoroki and Bakugo.

Everyone else didn't interest him. People's ideology and quirks came into play whenever he was picking.

Todoroki was extremely powerful. Probably the most powerful in Class 1-A. His half fire and half ice could give the league great power, but he was Dabi's biological brother. He already hates to Todoroki name, bringing Shoto to the league could bring anger Dabi. Izuku caught a chill. 'You never anger Dabi.' Izuku knew from experience.

Bakugo, on the other hand, had a short temper. He could get angry just at a single word. His explosive quirk could definitely be useful in the league.

Izuku watched as the final battle was about to start.

Bakugo vs Todoroki

The match was mostly Bakugo yelling at Todoroki to use his full power. Izuku rolled his eyes.

"Stupid Todoroki! Use your damn flames!" Izuku shouted at his screen.

His bedroom door opened a few seconds later and Dabi poked his head in.

"Couldn't help but hear your words of anger. You do realize that even though I despise the name and want no association to it, I am still a Todoroki....and I do use my flames."

"Dabi if you don't shut your mouth and leave my room, I swear I will-"

"I'm leaving."

Dabi closed the door and left Izuku in his room.

"They should know not to bother me when I'm doing research. Especially if it's going to effect the league in a major way."

The battle came to a close with Todoroki being covered with frost and knocked out, being held at the collar of his shirt by an angry Bakugo.

The side profile of the two was something that made Izuku smile. The two were pretty attractive.

"Bakugo, you are going to do great things for the league," Izuku said marking down his final thoughts in his notebook before turning off his computer.

He walked out his room with notebook in hand and down the the bar.

"I think that today was a successful day," he gave a smile.

"Kid. You killed someone and stalked the 1st year students of U.A," Kuroguri spoke playing checkers with Toga.

"Yes and I picked the student the All for one wants me to mentor."

"Is it that sad excuse of Endeavor's son?" Dabi asked scrolling on his phone.

"He was at the top of my list, but when he's only using half of his power, he's pretty worthless. I'm going with the explosion quirk, Bakugo Katsuki."

"Do you think you can twist his mind to our ideals?" Kuroguri asked moving one of his checkers pieces, beating Toga.

Toga looked down to the board in defeat.

"I just need to plan it right."

Izuku looked down at his phone feeling it vibrate in his hand.

"Who's that Izu?" Toga asked looking up, accepting her defeat against Kuroguri.

"Mostly Class 1-A telling me results. Also, asking if I'm okay."

"You should text them back. Let them know that your not dead," Kuroguri advised.


Izuku replied to the class group chat. Congrats Bakugo for winning the festival! My allergies are horrible and I wouldn't been able to function today. I should be back tomorrow. See you then!

Izuku was about to put his phone away until he got a text from All for one.

"Kuroguri, warp me to my father. He just texted me."

Kuroguri nodded and created a portal for Izuku.

Izuku walked through and walked to his father.

"Izuku, did you pick someone out? The festival should have ended by now," the man spoke.

"I did actually. His name is Katsuki Bakugo. He had an explosive quirk. He uses his sweat can can turn them into explosives. That being, his temper is something," he chuckled at the end.

"I'm impressed you picked someone already. How are we going to kidnap him then?"

"I'm working on that. I need more information from UA. I'll try to figure out," Izuku explained.

"Once you get a plan formulated tell me. Understand?"

"Yes sir."

Izuku messaged Kuroguri and a Earp gate appeared.

"I'll see you soon father," Izuku said walking through the portal.

All for one watched the boy disappear into the dark purple portal.

'Somethings different about him. He doesn't seem as innocent,' All for one thought. 'In fact, he's more confident about kidnapping this Bakugo boy.'

All for one called Shigiraki. The phone barely rang for a second and he had picked up the phone.

"Master?" Shigiraki's voice crackled.

"Shigiraki, why is my son so...confident? I know he usually is but something is different about him."

Shigiraki laughed a little. "The missing UA kid that the news started taking about this morning."

"Yes, what about him?"

"Your son killed him."

All for one had hung up the phone. He couldn't help but smile. "My son has blood on his hands now. I'm guessing he finally grew out of the whole caring for others deal. He was born to be a villain."

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