Chapter 10: mental health

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Izuku fell to the ground after getting punched in the gut by Shigiraki in front of his father for the 10th time.

"Tell me son, why did you help that hero?" All for one was angry.

"Because-. I don't kill the innocent. We were only going to kill All Might," Izuku said coughing up a little blood.

"But you're a born villain. You are the son of the most feared villain of all time!"

"But I'm not you!" He yelled back. "I don't enjoy killing innocents and I care for this league. This is my family!"

Izuku felt another kick into him.

"Don't yell at master, brat."

"All Might is still alive. You want him dead but you're plan didn't work, but I can tell that he got weaker."

"You're just trying to save yourself from getting kicked again," Shigiraki rolled his eyes.

"Izuku is observant. You think he's gotten weaker?" All for one asked his son.

"Yes. I had to bring him to the nurses office. She told him that he could only stay in his strong form for about a hour a day now. He also told himself that it took over 100% of his power to fight Nomu and he still didn't completely win."

All for one smiled. "At least this event isn't a total waste. Good job you two."

"But master, what about him helping the teacher?"

"He still has to play a part, but I'm still angry that he did."

"Put him in confinement?" Shigiraki asked.

Izuku's eyes widened. He hated that punishment.

"Yes. A few days in the cells downstairs in the soundproof cells. That should teach him."

"No! Please no. You know I hate those." Izuku feared those cells with his life. He had been thrown in them so much in his life, he would lose part of his mind and sanity each time.

"Sorry son, but you have to learn."

Shigiraki and Izuku was warped back to the bar. Shigiraki then took Izuku by the collar and dragged him downstairs.

He tried to fight back, but his gut hurt since he was kick and punched.

He heard the sound of a door opening. "Please don't do this," he begged.

"I find it hilarious how the only thing that I know you are scared of is a small cell that is soundproof. You're not so strong when you're in there," Shigiraki laughed throwing Izuku in.

Izuku crashed to the floor with the door closing behind him.

"Please no," he ended up saying to himself.

Izuku looked around the dark, quiet room. Memories from the past started to flood his memories.

When he was just a toddler he would be thrown here to keep him quiet. He hated to be alone for a long period of time with nothing to do.

He would get tortured here. It was part of his training to get stronger. The scars all around his body was from this room.

He thought he would have gotten past the fear as he grew up, but the room always scared him. It was truly his perfect punishment.

He pulled his knees to his chest and did something he hadn't done in a while, cry.


"Where's Izuku?" Uraraka asked walking into the classroom the next morning. She saw her red eyed friend wasn't there like normal.

"Don't know. You thought he would have texted us if something was wrong," Tsu said.

"Well the nerd did get hurt from fighting the guy with all the hands," the loud blonde grumbled.

"Was he more hurt than he had said?" Todoroki asked in his low voice.

"Does anyone know where he lives? We can bring him his class work after school," Kirishima gave the idea.

"I just know up to the train station," Uraraka frowned.

"We can just text him what he missed," Tsu concluded.

"I hope he's okay. His fight with the villain was pretty harsh. I could never do that," Uraraka sighed.

"Same!" The rest of the class agreed.

"Are we even going to have a teacher today? Mr. Aizawa hit pretty hurt yesterday," Todoroki said what was on everyone's mind.

Just as the sentence was said. The door opened and revealed Nezu.

"Good morning 1-A. Izuku isn't going to be here for a few days. His father called the school. He thinks that the attack is going to affect Izuku's mental health and he wants to keep him home. Mr. Aizawa is going to be back tomorrow. The hospital just wants to keep him in for another day just in case," he explained straight to the point.

"So what are to do today?" Iida asked the principal.

"Talk among yourselves or you can leave. We know your mental health after that attack isn't the best so take this as a break day," Nezu smiled.

"Thank you!!" Mina squealed.

"Now, I trust you will be responsible on how you spend this day," Nezu told the kids.

"Yes sir, thank you," they all said.

Nezu walked out the room leaving the room of teenagers.

Murmurs could be heard throughout the class.

Todoroki got up and walked over to Uraraka.

"Todoroki?" Uraraka said shocked that he came over to her.

"I'm kinda worried about Izuku. Him not calling us or texting us is not like him," he explained.

"Me too. I wish I knew where he lived."

"Let's go look. We can call him again and hope that he answers and if not we can just have a chill day. I know you say that you and your family are poor. I'll pay for anything."

"What?! No you can't do that! I would feel bad and I would pay you back," she blushed.

"I took my dad's card. Trust me, I like to piss him off and this will surly do," he grinned.

"Alright then, but I don't want to get you in trouble."

"Don't worry about it."

The two grabbed their bags and said bye to the rest of the class.

They walked to the train station and called Izuku's phone.

They had the phone on speaker so they both can talk.

They weren't expecting anyone to answer so they were shocked when they heard a females voice say hello.

"Izuku?" Uraraka asked.

"No this is Tilly, his cousin." The voice replied.

Uraraka recognized the name from a few weeks ago.

"I'm Uraraka."

"And I'm Todoroki."

"We are Izuku's friends from class. Is he okay?" Uraraka asked.

They heard the girl sigh on the other end of the phone.

"He should be back at school soon. His father is wanting to keep him home for a while."

"Can we tell him about our teacher. He saved him from the villains and we got a report on his condition," Todoroki replied.

"I don't think that's a good idea," the girl answered.

"Can we come over though?" Uraraka asked.

"No. I'm sorry guys but Izuku is cut off for a few days."

The phone call ended.

The two looked at each other confused.

"She's harsh."

"Yeah. I guess we'll just see him when he gets back to school," Uraraka replied.

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