Chapter 42: broken and rebuilt

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Todoroki grabbed his book bag out the corner of his dorm room.

All the students had moved into a dorm system for the sake of their safety. Todoroki knew that it went deeper than that but he didn't want to dig to much into it.

"Half and Half," Bakugo called out to him. They were the only two in the hall being the last ones to leave.


Bakugo let out a breath. "Are we telling everyone about Deku?" He asked surprisingly calm.

"I don't know. I want to tell them he's alive but -"

"You don't want them to know about who he truly is," Bakugo finished.

"Yeah. Mr. Aizawa doesn't know what to say too. They don't want the media figuring out that there was a spy in the school for so long."

"The media would rip the school apart."

"Then they would find Izuku before we have even the slightest ability to get rid of that quirk."

The two boys walked into the elevator and kept to themselves.

"We can say that he's still alive, but missing," Bakugo suggested.

"Don't a few others know that they brought Breach here?"

Bakugo's eyes widened. "Yeah. Four eyes, crappy hair, and ponytail."

"Then it's settled. We'll say that it was a clone that Breach killed and that the real Izuku is still in the hands of the League."

"That's actually not a lie at all," Bakugo pointed out.


Todoroki had told Mr.Aizawa what the boys were going to go with. Aizawa agreed and went on with the rest of the class.

The school day went by surprisingly quick for Todoroki but it still felt odd without Izuku.

"So are we going to talk about Izuku?" Mina peeped out not knowing if everyone was comfortable with the topic.

"Izuku is alive but in the hands of the villains," Bakugo huffed out.

"We got a villain to confess that the Izuku that was seen in the news was just a clone," Aizawa backed up.

Todoroki kept looking at the drawing that Izuku had drew in his notebook during one of their study dates.

He traced over the lines with his finger scared that the slightest pressure could make it crumble.

"Todoroki, are you okay?" Kaminari asked seeing the teen blank out from the rest of the class's conversation.

"Yeah. We'll get him back. I know it," he softly smiled. 'We just need to find a way to free you.'


Izuku groaned as Shigiraki punched and kicked him as part of his "training."

Izuku showed no emotion as the pain grew and grew. Shigiraki was shocked on how quick the quirk was clouding Izuku's mind.

He noticed the white hair starting to grow from his roots. "Why is your hair turning white?" Shigiraki asked as he delivered another kick into the teens stomach.

Izuku wiped away the blood coming from his busted lip.

"It's my father's natural color. My mom was the one who had green and black hair."

Shigiraki stopped abusing Izuku and gave him a break. Izuku walked over to the dirty wall and leaned on it.

He raised his hand to the small bags forming under his eyes.

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