Chapter 2: Research

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Izuku went wide eyed.

"You never let me go on missions."

"True, but heroes don't know your true identity and your connection to the league. You're strong and smart so I don't see why you won't get in."

"But he doesn't have a quirk, master," Shigaraki said scratching his neck.

"Why not kill two birds with one stone. Izuku will show that heroes shouldn't be labeled because of their quirk and he will take down the hero society."

"Yes but-"

"No buts. This plan is perfect and will work."

Izuku smiled. He was going to be part of a mission. He was excited to be part in the action and not just the research.

"When do I start?" Izuku asked.

"The entrance exams are in a month. I'm sure you'll pass with flying colors."

"What about paper work?" Shigiaraki asked.

"Taken cared of with my actual name since no one knows it."

"What if he doesn't make it in?"

"I'm sure he'll have no problems."

"What if-"

"I know you don't like me but he wouldn't have chosen me if I wasn't capable of handling the job."

"Couldn't have said it better my son." Izuku smiled at the praise he received.


"That's the end of the meeting. I'll send more information about it in the coming days but until then."

That was the cue for Kuroguri to warp everyone back to the bar.

Everyone soon went from the warehouse to the bar in a split second.

"Congrats on finally being able to go on a mission," Dabi said.

"Yes. I'm so proud of you my Izuku!" Toga jumped for joy.

"Thanks and I'm not yours Toga," he playfully rolled his eyes.

"A girl can dream."

The three chuckled. They all had a close sibling like relationship.

"I can't believe that he picked you to do the mission. He never lets you go out." Shigiaraki was still pissed from the meeting.

"Look handyman, Izuku is clearly the right age for the job and he's the strongest one out of all of us. Give it a rest," Dabi defended Izuku.


"No problem."

"Tsk- whatever."

"I'm going to go study," Izuku said walking to the stairs.

"But your so smart already," Toga whined.

"I'm going research the staff at UA. I'm getting to know them before hand," he devilishly smiled.

It sent shivers down everyone's spine. "Okay. Have fun!" Toga yelled.

"Let's get change out of our villain clothes. We just wear them for meetings and missions," Kuroguri said.

"Yea sir," everyone said at the same time.


Izuku typed away onto his computer in his room.

He used a new notebook to organize his thoughts. It was his 13th notebook in total. Each notebook was completely filled with information about different heroes. Their strengths, weaknesses, and any other information that would be useful to the villains.

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